Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Take Home Chef

Have y'all ever watched it on TLC?

I caught my first episode ever the other night and I am already addicted.

Here's the scoop: This hot blonde Australian dude (Curtis) accosts you while you are out food shopping (accosts you in the most friendly of manners). He then offers to pay for your groceries and take you home to cook for you.

Seriously, does it get any better than that?

The episode I watched the other night was one in which the menu was homemade Chinese food. Now I am not usually a big fan of Chinese food but this homemade stuff looked good. He made Orange Chicken and Fried Rice, with some veggies mixed in as well. It looked to die for.

I have never really liked "cooking shows"...I just found them boring. Curtis though makes these complicated recipes look, well, easy and has a great personality to boot. Watching Take Home Chef is going to be a regular thing for me, especially since Ryun is stopping at the local cable office to pick up a DVR today! YAY!

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