Saturday, October 28, 2006

Aunty Anne's Pretzels

Last night, while at the mall, I decided to run down to Aunty Anne's and get a pretzel. While I was waiting for the "I so don't want to be here and my life sucks" kid behind the counter to get my order together, I picked up a napkin and glanced down at the slogan which read, "Aunty Anne's Pretzels: Any Fresher And You'd Slap It."

Um, I am not one of those that is all freaky about people slapping their kids as a disciplinary measure (I personally don't believe in it but, to each his own and all that), but this? I am sorry, there is just something inherently wrong with advocating for slapping your kid or whatver for being fresh, and it is advocating for it if you ask me.

In this day and age, I am suprised that the company hasn't gotten their asses sued over it.

What the hell were those advertising people thinking?


  1. Um... they're thinking that if someone is "fresh" in the overly forward sense of the word, it is culturally traditional to slap them, usually a woman slapping a man for sounding, say, too Gary-like, that makes a good pun on the "as in food" meaning of the word, and that there's no way anyone could interpret it other than as humor that doesn't have the slightest connection with children.

    I think it's cute.

  2. I would tend to agree with Jay on this point. I didn't think of it in the same way as he did, But I think of it purely on a humor level and would never have made the jump to slaping fresh kids.

  3. Um, yeah, apparently I was tired or someting. I didn't even think of it that way. Duh.
