The old me: get bad news, be all mopey and sad, hang around all day and do nothing.
The new me: get bad news, bitch about it on my blog, pack a picnic and go spend a couple of hours on the canal with my gorgeous daughter.

The waves rolling in after a boat had just passed.

The Bourne Bridge.

Looking down at the rocky waters' edge.

"You still with me Mom?"

"Yup. Ok, I will be on my way then."

Seriously, have you ever seen anyone so beautiful? Sometimes, she just takes my breath away.
Good job Shazzy! One thing I was going to suggest is find a really good book and read for a little while. I love reading suspenseful books (like John Grisham)that you can't put down. Mystic River was another book that I couldn't put down, but it is kind of a depressing book, but it's also really beautiful. One of my favorites.
PS...Did you take those pictures with your brand spanking new camera???