Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Who Knew A Crock Pot Could Be So Entertaining?

So last night, I made this yummy chicken-brown sugar-soy sauce-pineapple-garlic powder-Essence Masterpiece for dinner. Yes I am bragging but hey, it was good.

Anyway, I left the house to bring Emily to voice lessons and realized, I forgot to stir the crock pot before I left. Knowing Ryun was in the shower and wouldn't be able to get the phone, I decided to text him and this is what I said:

"Stir the crock."

His response?

"Crock You."


Then, after I dropped Em off at voice I went to my mothers house so that she could pick out her free jewelry she earned from her party on Friday. On the way home from there, I called Ryun and asked him to stir the crock again.

Katherine overheard me and said (IN ALL SERIOUSNESS),"Mom, are we having a crocodile for dinner?"

(Croc=Crock...get it?)

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