Thursday, December 14, 2006

Speech and Testing

Katherine is going to be pulled from the classroom once a week to go to speech with one of the speech and language pathologists at the school. Back in early November, at Katherine's parent-teacher conference, I had mentioned that Katherine was having trouble with r's and th's (r's came out like w's and th's came out like d's and sometimes, v's). She had noticed it as well, and recommended that Katherine have a speech evaluation, which took place yesterday. I haven't gotten the official word yet from the school, but Katherine reported back to me this morning that she is going to be going to see Mrs. V on Wednesdays. She sounds really excited about it actually, which is good. I was wondering if she would feel "weird" about leaving the classroom.

In other news, I had the first meeting with the person that will be doing Emily's neuro-psych testing. It was a meeting to go over my concerns and gave the doctor the chance to explain the whole process to me. Of course, me being me, I already knew the process (thanks to my own research) but it was nice to hear it described anyway. She asked me if Emily would be "ok" with all of this and if she was shy or would she be nervous? I basically said that she doesn't have a shy bone in her body and nervous? Uh, nope...the girl has more confidence in herself than anyone I have ever met.

1 comment:

  1. Actually, READS doesn't do neuro-psych, but she willbe going there for an OT eval. Her neuro-psych is being done at the Children's Evaluation Center in Newton. She is also going to have an eval done within the school system as welll.
