Sunday, December 17, 2006

The Report Card Report


English and Reading and History: 4's

Science: 3

Math: 1

Music: Well, it would need improvement if she was still doing the flute but she hated it and is back to what she does best...singing. I am sure this will be a 4 next term because it always is.

Physical Education: 3

Visual Arts: 3

Language Arts/Math lab: 3

Social Behaviors:
treats others with courtesy: 4
follows school rules: 4
follows classroom rules: 4
interacts cooperatively with others: 4
practices self control: 3
aceepts responsibility for choices and consequences: 4

Successful Learning Behaviors:
strives for quality work: 2
listens attentively: 3
uses time effectively: 2
follows oral/written directions: 3
works independently: 2
participates in class activities: 4
makes appropriate transitions: 2
completes and returns classwork/homework: 3
demonstrates organizational skills: 2
seeks help when necessary: 3
applies study skills: 3

Teacher Comments: Emily is a wonderful young lady. She works very hard. Slowing down and re-checking her work will improve her organizational skills. She is a great class member!

So all in all...pretty good. For some reason the social and learning behaviors always hold more weight to me than academics. I mean they are important too but the socail and learning skills tell me how I am doing, in some ways.

The usual "concerns" are there...organization, time management and math (which with the math I have a sneaking suspicion it would be a lot easier for her if she was more organized...math is a sequential, organized thing in and of it self).

Katherine: 3's and 4's across the board, so I am not gonna get detailed! Basically though, in comparison to last year, she has improved her academic, social and learning behaviors by leaps and bounds.

Teacher Comment: Katherine is a very courteous student. Her performance in all academic areas improves daily. Katherine has good learning and social behaviors.

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