Saturday, December 23, 2006

Christmas Preparations: Pictures and Commmentary

First, after this week's mishap with the Christmas tree, I feel I should share a picture of the newly (re) decorated master piece:

Looks nice, doesn't it?

Last night, on kind of a whim (this is what happens when the spirit arrives just days before the main event), I decided to whip up a batch of sugar cookie dough. Earlier this afternoon (after Ryun and the girls got back from bowling), Emily, Katherine and I sat down a made the cookies.

Sugar Cookie Central

Sugar cookies...good...
Sugar cookies and pretzel treats better...

Sugar cookies, pretzel treats and peanut butter fudge?

Well now that's heaven.


  1. Those cookies look good enough to make me want to take an extra diabetes pill and dig in

  2. Great job girls. Cookies look fantastic!
