Saturday, December 9, 2006


Today was the Local 4 (International Union of Elevator Constructors) Christmas party. We all had a great time and the kids are already asking if we can go next year! Here are some pictures from our day...

Santa came to visit all of the kids. Here's Emily sitting in his chair before he arrived.

There were two "jumpy things" there for the kids. Here's a great shot of Julia in mid-jump, with Emily jumping in the background being silly.

Ryun and Julia...during one of the few times I got her semi-smiling. It was the end of the day and she was very tired.

I could tell you this was my gorgeous tree but, it would be a lie. It is pretty though, huh?

We got to decorate gingerbread cookies with the girls. Here Katherine proudly displays her creation!

And now...for my favorite photos of the day... how sweet is that?

The next two, well I am not bragging but...

...don't they look all professional and what not (ok, well maybe I am bragging a little)? That's my handsome father there with Katherine, who proves in these pictures that she is a Sullivan through and through. The resemblence is strong, don't you think?

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