I am not sure if I will have time to say it tomorrow, or will be in any condition to say it when we get home from The Utley's 3rd Annual New Year's Eve Bash, so, I am saying it now!
I suppose it would be appropriate to post some goals and resolutions for the coming year. It's kind of funny...I have done this before...made resolutions, plans and goals. This year though, something feels different...different in a good way. I think I might actually stick to them. I feel like I am better at forcing myself to do something than I used to be...even things like taking Julia to her weekly playgroup or making sure I get Emily to voice lessons and Katherine to Girl Scouts. In the not so distant past, if I didn't want to do something, I just didn't do it. Nothing else mattered...the benefit Julia would get from the playgroup, the money we paid for voice lessons, or the enjoyment Katherine derived from being a Girl Scout. Nothing else really mattered, including the guilt I would feel after not having done one of these things. These are just examples, and let me tell you, things were a lot worse than that.
Anyway, things are just different now. I actually care about things other than wallowing in my own misery. I also realize that doing things like you know, leaving my house are actually good for me and make me feel good.
With that said, here are some of my goals for this year, along with some steps I have already taken or am planning on taking to achieve them:
1. Lose some weight. I say some with emphasis because, well, I am not going to say, "I wanna lose X amount of pounds." Less pressure that way and, I figure if the scale at this time next year reads even a little less than it does this year, that's a goal accomplished. Anytime I have read anything anywere about successful weight loss it has always indicated that keeping track of what you eat is imperative. So, I went out and bought a journal to do just that. I figure it takes very little time to write down what I am eating and it certainly will help keep me in check. I also went out and purchased "The Biggest Loser Cookbook" which along with some fantastic recipes, also explains the diet and exercise plan that the contestants follow on the show. Did anyone watch it this year? The guy that won lost 214 pounds. Now if I lost that much weight I'd be dead but he's an inspiration. That's some serious hard work and dedication he put in. I am hoping to hop on the treadmill 3-4 times per week, and getting up at the crack of dawn to do so (being honest, as tough as it is to get up any earlier than my usual 6:15-6:30, this is the only time I know that I will have the motivation to do it). I think I am going to go with a M-W-F schedule, with maybe a weekend day thrown in for good measure. Since I am planning on starting this on Tuesday (tomorrow is pasta fest at Adam and Jean's so I figure it will be my last chance to be "bad) when I food shopped on Thursday I bought all kinds of good for me (and the fam) foods including: apples, bananas, oranges, grapes, cucumber, tomatoes, fresh broccoli, whole wheat pasta, whole wheat bread, Ezekiel bread, and probably a few other things that aren't coming to mind right now.
2. I would really like to achieve more financial responsibility and know how. Because I know me and how I am, even despite my recent change in to, well a happy person, I know that money burns a hole in my pocket. So, I am planning on having Ryun set up a separate savings account in his name and having 75% of any money I make with lia sophia directly deposited in to that account. The other 25% will be my "play" money and also the money I use to order business supplies etc. Ryun is also getting a raise in January which will mean about an extra $200 per month. That too will be going in to a savings account. In the immediate (not right now but defintely not too far off in to the future) we will need to be thinking about purchasing a car, as mine has almost 150,000 miles on it. It still runs fine but, when it gets up there in mileage, you just don't know. In the distant future (but hopefully not too distant...like maybe in a couple of years) we would like to buy a house (we rent our house now). Saving money will be necessary for either of these things to happen.
3. I am going to actively pursue obtaining a degree in some sort of early childhood education type area. I still have to further explore what exactly I want to do but I am leaning toward obtaining my Early Intervention Certification so I need to investigate what is needed etc and go from there. I am in the process of figuring this all out!
4. Last but not least, I am going to potty train Julia...which will be one goal that will be accomplished immediately as I am starting this on Tuesday! Can we say bye bye diapers? Sure we can.
Sunday, December 31, 2006
Although we don't talk about the war much here, Emily is aware, on a very basic level what it's all about. She hears the news, and I am sure, in 4th grade, they have addressed it on a level understandable to a bunch of 9 and 10 year olds.
So yesterday morning, she came downstairs and told me excitedly, "My earing fell out over night and I put it back in this morning with no trouble at all! This means I don't have to sleep with them in any more!"
(She has had to keep her earings in 24/7 for longer than most people who have just gotten them pierced usually do as they would close up a little if she left them out for any length of time. She was excited to see that apparently this is not the case anymore)
Anyway, I mentioned outloud to Ryun tha Sadaam had been executed.
What did Emily do?
She let out a little cheer and said, "Now that's even better news than my earing falling out!"
"Yes it is, Emily, yes it is," I said.
Is it wrong to cheer someone's death? Not in this case it isn't.
So yesterday morning, she came downstairs and told me excitedly, "My earing fell out over night and I put it back in this morning with no trouble at all! This means I don't have to sleep with them in any more!"
(She has had to keep her earings in 24/7 for longer than most people who have just gotten them pierced usually do as they would close up a little if she left them out for any length of time. She was excited to see that apparently this is not the case anymore)
Anyway, I mentioned outloud to Ryun tha Sadaam had been executed.
What did Emily do?
She let out a little cheer and said, "Now that's even better news than my earing falling out!"
"Yes it is, Emily, yes it is," I said.
Is it wrong to cheer someone's death? Not in this case it isn't.
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Monster On Ice
As usual, Disney on Ice was fantastic. This was Julia's first time going and I have to say, I was a little nervous about bringing her (wondering if she would like it, would she stay seated the whole time). I don't know why I ever worry about her in such situations...she is seriously the most well behaved 2 1/2 year old I have ever seen. She LOVED it...the lights, the fireworks, the screaming (if you have ever seen Monsters Inc you know already how much screaming there would have been) and the monsters...she was amazed by it all. She was clapping, dancing and screaming right along with her sisters and the rest of the audience. In a completely out of character move, I forgot my camera, otherwise you can be sure I would have taken pictures.
The show was in Providence which was nice. Not having to drive to Boston is always a good thing. I forget how much I love Providence until I go back again. It really is such a nice city.
On the schedule for the rest of the day: NOTHING! YAY!
Tonight: meeting and returns! FUN!
The show was in Providence which was nice. Not having to drive to Boston is always a good thing. I forget how much I love Providence until I go back again. It really is such a nice city.
On the schedule for the rest of the day: NOTHING! YAY!
Tonight: meeting and returns! FUN!
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Toy Assembly Hell...
...is where I spent most of my day! Conveniently, Emily and Katherine spent the night last night with my sister so I only had Julia to contend with. I decided to set up her toys first (except for the big desk-like thing my parents gave her which I left for Ryun to do) so that she would be occupied while I was going to work on Emily and Katherine's things. All in all, it wasn't too bad but I am cursing the person that invented wire ties, or at least the person who thought of using them to keep toys in place.
Tomorrow we have Disney On Ice at the Dunkin' Donuts Center in Providence. We were able to get the tickets at a discounted rate through Girl Scouts. I hadn't originally planned on bringing Julia but after re-considering and not really wanting to find a sitter, I just decided to bring her along. I am sure she will love it!
Anyway, I have some things I need to get done before I go to bed. I should be back tomorrow at some point.
Tomorrow we have Disney On Ice at the Dunkin' Donuts Center in Providence. We were able to get the tickets at a discounted rate through Girl Scouts. I hadn't originally planned on bringing Julia but after re-considering and not really wanting to find a sitter, I just decided to bring her along. I am sure she will love it!
Anyway, I have some things I need to get done before I go to bed. I should be back tomorrow at some point.
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
The Christmas Post
I meant to post this earlier, last night even but life got in the way! Christmas was wonderful and I have pictures to prove it!
In no particular order...
Here's Julia dsiplaying one of her favorite things...the pretend food that Santa put in her stocking. She has her pretend kitchen which she loves to use!

Here's Emily trying out her new game. Julia likes to pretend she's playing...she doesn't have to know that it won't work unless the remote is plugged in!

Some how, perhaps it was a Christmas miracle, I managed to get them all looking at the camera at the same time!
In no particular order...
Here's Emily trying out her new game. Julia likes to pretend she's playing...she doesn't have to know that it won't work unless the remote is plugged in!
Some how, perhaps it was a Christmas miracle, I managed to get them all looking at the camera at the same time!
Monday, December 25, 2006
Merry Merry
Merry Christmas!
We are in the process of geting ready to head over to my parents, anf then to Ryun's Uncle's house.
Back later with pictures and an update!
We are in the process of geting ready to head over to my parents, anf then to Ryun's Uncle's house.
Back later with pictures and an update!
Sunday, December 24, 2006
I just wrapped every present I bought (well, except for teacher gifts which had to be done before school got out obviously) in one day.
I certainly don't recommend doing this, unless you're you know, you enjoy the running around like a chicken with it's head cut off scenario.
I am glad the house is ready (shh, no one needs to know about the laundry that needs folding, or the floor that needs to be swept), I am glad the baking is done but mostly, I am glad the presents are wrapped.
As they say in Hollywood, "That's a wrap!"
Night y'all.
I certainly don't recommend doing this, unless you're you know, you enjoy the running around like a chicken with it's head cut off scenario.
I am glad the house is ready (shh, no one needs to know about the laundry that needs folding, or the floor that needs to be swept), I am glad the baking is done but mostly, I am glad the presents are wrapped.
As they say in Hollywood, "That's a wrap!"
Night y'all.
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Christmas Preparations: Pictures and Commmentary
First, after this week's mishap with the Christmas tree, I feel I should share a picture of the newly (re) decorated master piece:

Looks nice, doesn't it?
Last night, on kind of a whim (this is what happens when the spirit arrives just days before the main event), I decided to whip up a batch of sugar cookie dough. Earlier this afternoon (after Ryun and the girls got back from bowling), Emily, Katherine and I sat down a made the cookies.

Looks nice, doesn't it?
Last night, on kind of a whim (this is what happens when the spirit arrives just days before the main event), I decided to whip up a batch of sugar cookie dough. Earlier this afternoon (after Ryun and the girls got back from bowling), Emily, Katherine and I sat down a made the cookies.
Sugar cookies, pretzel treats and peanut butter fudge?
Well now that's heaven.
Well now that's heaven.
"The Talk"
So, last night, I had to tell the kids something that I have known for a while, but was postponing telling them. I was putting it off because I still didn't want to believe it myself, but mostly because I had no idea how to say it.
Last night though, I managed to get up the nerve (or whatever you want to call it ) and I told them.
I told them that Auntie Suzanne (my sister) and Uncle John were getting a divorce.
It went a lot like I pictured it in my head. Katherine said, "So, does this mean that Uncle John and Auntie Suzanne won't be coming to Mimi and Papa's house together anymore?" I thought to myself, "It means a heck of a lot more than that" but what I said, (to keep it as simple as possible for a 7 year old) was, "Yes." She was fine with that and only later asked one more question which was, "Where does Uncle John live now?" I told her and that was about it for her.
Emily? She burst in to tears and ran up to her room. It took all I had not to cry with her (especially when she said things like, "I am not even going to be excited on Christmas now" and "I never want to go to school again because I am afraid I might burst out crying") but I somehow managed not to and just sat there with her.
I had thought about putting it off until after the holidays but I figured it would be a little awkward if they noticed John wasn't there on Christmas and asked why. They are also going to spend the night at Suzanne's on Tuesday and obviously, if they hadn't noticed his absence at Christmas dinner, they would definitely notice it then.
I am quite sure that this was part of my lack of Christmas spirit, even if I couldn't pinpoint it at the time. Just telling the kids has lifted a huge weight and as mentioned previously, the spirit has been back now for a few days.
I am not going to get in to the "why" of it all here because, well, it's kind of a personal thing, and really, it doesn't matter. It is what it is.
Incidentally, Emily is doing much better. She has asked me some questions, talked to Suzanne and is handling the whole thing like a mature adult actually.
So anyway, that's it. I am so glad that the conversation has been had and, well, that the conversation is over!
Last night though, I managed to get up the nerve (or whatever you want to call it ) and I told them.
I told them that Auntie Suzanne (my sister) and Uncle John were getting a divorce.
It went a lot like I pictured it in my head. Katherine said, "So, does this mean that Uncle John and Auntie Suzanne won't be coming to Mimi and Papa's house together anymore?" I thought to myself, "It means a heck of a lot more than that" but what I said, (to keep it as simple as possible for a 7 year old) was, "Yes." She was fine with that and only later asked one more question which was, "Where does Uncle John live now?" I told her and that was about it for her.
Emily? She burst in to tears and ran up to her room. It took all I had not to cry with her (especially when she said things like, "I am not even going to be excited on Christmas now" and "I never want to go to school again because I am afraid I might burst out crying") but I somehow managed not to and just sat there with her.
I had thought about putting it off until after the holidays but I figured it would be a little awkward if they noticed John wasn't there on Christmas and asked why. They are also going to spend the night at Suzanne's on Tuesday and obviously, if they hadn't noticed his absence at Christmas dinner, they would definitely notice it then.
I am quite sure that this was part of my lack of Christmas spirit, even if I couldn't pinpoint it at the time. Just telling the kids has lifted a huge weight and as mentioned previously, the spirit has been back now for a few days.
I am not going to get in to the "why" of it all here because, well, it's kind of a personal thing, and really, it doesn't matter. It is what it is.
Incidentally, Emily is doing much better. She has asked me some questions, talked to Suzanne and is handling the whole thing like a mature adult actually.
So anyway, that's it. I am so glad that the conversation has been had and, well, that the conversation is over!
Friday, December 22, 2006
Because I have absolutely nothing else I need to do, I decided to sit down and video some of Julia's singing, playing, talking, and dancing today. It's just over 4 minutes long but so worth your time (in my proffesional unjaded opinion, of course)!
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Yup, I'm Back
As I was decorating the tree tonight I couldn't help but think of those trees that look like they were picked right up off of the department store floor, brought home, and deposited right in to the livingroom. You know the trees I am talking about...the ones that look, well, just perfect, with matching ornaments, coordinating tinsel and garland, and lights adjusted just so. The ones that have not a single thing out of place.
And you know what I thought? There isn't a tree nicer than one that holds ornaments handmade by your children from year to year. Nothing says Christmas like your kid coming home, bursting at the seams to show you the ornament they made for you, and then, proudly displaying it on the tree, front and center of course, so everyone can see. I am sorry but it just doesn't get any better than that.
And yes, the spirit of the season has finally found it's way home to my heart.
Just in the nick of time.
And you know what I thought? There isn't a tree nicer than one that holds ornaments handmade by your children from year to year. Nothing says Christmas like your kid coming home, bursting at the seams to show you the ornament they made for you, and then, proudly displaying it on the tree, front and center of course, so everyone can see. I am sorry but it just doesn't get any better than that.
And yes, the spirit of the season has finally found it's way home to my heart.
Just in the nick of time.
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
That's One Way To Do It
You know, I had been looking at the Christmas tree thinking that I really should spend the time and spread the branches out a little more, rearrange some of the ornaments (so that the softest ones were on the bottom and "ok" for Julia to touch) and just give it an all around "sprucing up." Ryun decorated it with the kids back on Thanksgiving weekend. It was cute and adorable and all...the fact that he decided to do it and surprise me with it but, I have to admit I was a little sad that I didn't partake.
So fast forward to today, just about a half hour ago actually. I went over to the wood stove to add some logs. We have a round gate type thing surrounding the stove so Julia can't climb on to the brick, as the stove (obviously) gets quite hot. I opened the stove, raked the coals a little and added the log. Now the tree sits just over the gate, right in front of the big window that looks out over the front yard. I am sure by now you can see where this is going.
I lost my balance swinging my leg over the gate and in a desperate attempt not to land on the stove, grabbed on to whatever I could to steady myself. The only thing to grab? Well, the tree of course. I didn't fall so you know, that was good.
The tree wasn't so lucky.
Yeah, it fell, and came to rest on the tv stand, knocking many ornaments and candy canes off. Julia said, "Oh my God, Mom. What happened to the tree?" (Oh my God is her newest phrase and let me just tell you how much she loves to use it).
It was leaning in a rather precarious position so I decided to take it out of the stand and lay it between the stove and the tv stand. The ornaments that didn't fall off (some of which are glass) were now within Julia's reach so I decided to take those off too.
I have mentioned here a few times that I just wasn't feeling the Christmas spirit. So, I was thinking that it would be kind of funny if Ryun came home, saw it, and thought, "oh my God, she's really gone off the deep end, taking the Christmas tree down before Christmas has even come." Funny thing is, I think this may be the thing that has brought the spirit back.
It was all kind of comical really, and hey, at least I get to decorate the tree this year!
So fast forward to today, just about a half hour ago actually. I went over to the wood stove to add some logs. We have a round gate type thing surrounding the stove so Julia can't climb on to the brick, as the stove (obviously) gets quite hot. I opened the stove, raked the coals a little and added the log. Now the tree sits just over the gate, right in front of the big window that looks out over the front yard. I am sure by now you can see where this is going.
I lost my balance swinging my leg over the gate and in a desperate attempt not to land on the stove, grabbed on to whatever I could to steady myself. The only thing to grab? Well, the tree of course. I didn't fall so you know, that was good.
The tree wasn't so lucky.
Yeah, it fell, and came to rest on the tv stand, knocking many ornaments and candy canes off. Julia said, "Oh my God, Mom. What happened to the tree?" (Oh my God is her newest phrase and let me just tell you how much she loves to use it).
It was leaning in a rather precarious position so I decided to take it out of the stand and lay it between the stove and the tv stand. The ornaments that didn't fall off (some of which are glass) were now within Julia's reach so I decided to take those off too.
I have mentioned here a few times that I just wasn't feeling the Christmas spirit. So, I was thinking that it would be kind of funny if Ryun came home, saw it, and thought, "oh my God, she's really gone off the deep end, taking the Christmas tree down before Christmas has even come." Funny thing is, I think this may be the thing that has brought the spirit back.
It was all kind of comical really, and hey, at least I get to decorate the tree this year!
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
The Cold That Keeps On Giving
I have heard of other families that go through this but it has never happened in this one. Usually, the cold starts with one of the kids, and runs right through each kid, on to Ryun and then finally on to me (who usually gets the worst of it after taking care of everyone else). This cold though? Well this cold has gone something like this...
Ryun passed it to Emily who passed it to Sharon who passed it to Katherine who passed it to Julia who passed it back to Emily who passed it to Ryun who passed it to Sharon who passed it to Julia who passed it to Katherine who...
Well, no doubt you get the picture.
It just won't go away!
It's certainly not helping the motivation to get things done around here (like, let's not even talk about the fact that in three hours it will be December 20th and I have not wrapped a single Chirstmas present yet).
Ryun passed it to Emily who passed it to Sharon who passed it to Katherine who passed it to Julia who passed it back to Emily who passed it to Ryun who passed it to Sharon who passed it to Julia who passed it to Katherine who...
Well, no doubt you get the picture.
It just won't go away!
It's certainly not helping the motivation to get things done around here (like, let's not even talk about the fact that in three hours it will be December 20th and I have not wrapped a single Chirstmas present yet).
I took Julia to get a haircut the other day. It was beyond the point of having any control over it, so I decided it was about time.
Soome of you may be asking, "Hmm, I wonder what would happen if Sharon decided to have the hairdresser trim her bangs and add layers to her hair?"
Wonder no more my friends, because that is exactly what I did!
The curls came back with a vengeance and she can see again...YAY!

Soome of you may be asking, "Hmm, I wonder what would happen if Sharon decided to have the hairdresser trim her bangs and add layers to her hair?"
Wonder no more my friends, because that is exactly what I did!
The curls came back with a vengeance and she can see again...YAY!
I've seen this before...
...but I love it and wanted to share it with all of you...
Dear Santa,
I've been a good mom all year.
I've fed, cleaned and cuddled my children on demand, visited the doctor's office more than my doctor, sold sixty-two cases of candy bars to raise money to plant a shade tree on the school playground.
I was hoping you could spread my list out over several Christmases, since I had to write this letter with my son's red crayon, on the back of a receipt in the laundry room between cycles, and who knows when I'll find anymore free time in the next 18 years.
Here are my Christmas wishes:
I'd like a pair of legs that don't ache (in any color, except purple,which I already have) and arms that don't hurt or flap in the breeze; but are strong enough to pull my screaming child out of the candy aisle in the grocery store.
I'd also like a waist, since I lost mine somewhere in the seventh month of my last pregnancy.
If you're hauling big ticket items this year I'd like fingerprint resistant windows and a radio that only plays adult music; a television that doesn't broadcast any programs containing talking animals; and a refrigerator with a secret compartment behind the crisper where I can hide to talk on the phone.
On the practical side, I could use a talking doll that says, "Yes, Mommy" to boost my parental confidence, along with two kids who don't fight and three pairs of jeans that will zip all the way up without the use of power tools.
I could also use a recording of Tibetan monks chanting "Don't eat in the living room" and "Take your hands off your sister," because my voice seems to be just out of my children's hearing range and can only be heard by the dog.
If it's too late to find any of these products, I'd settle for enough time to brush my teeth and comb my hair in the same morning, or the luxury of eating food warmer than room temperature without it being served in a Styrofoam container.
If you don't mind, I could also use a few Christmas miracles to brighten the holiday season. Would it be too much trouble to declare ketchup a vegetable? It will clear my conscience immensely. It would be helpful if you could coerce my children to help around the house without demanding payment as if they were the bosses of an organized crime family.
Well, Santa, the buzzer on the dryer is ringing and my son saw my feet under the laundry room door. I think he wants his crayon back.
Have a safe trip and remember to leave your wet boots by the door and come in and dry off so you don't catch cold.
Help yourself to cookies on the table but don't eat too many or leave crumbs on the carpet.
Yours Always,
P.S. One more thing...you can cancel all my requests if you can keep my children young enough to believe in Santa.
Dear Santa,
I've been a good mom all year.
I've fed, cleaned and cuddled my children on demand, visited the doctor's office more than my doctor, sold sixty-two cases of candy bars to raise money to plant a shade tree on the school playground.
I was hoping you could spread my list out over several Christmases, since I had to write this letter with my son's red crayon, on the back of a receipt in the laundry room between cycles, and who knows when I'll find anymore free time in the next 18 years.
Here are my Christmas wishes:
I'd like a pair of legs that don't ache (in any color, except purple,which I already have) and arms that don't hurt or flap in the breeze; but are strong enough to pull my screaming child out of the candy aisle in the grocery store.
I'd also like a waist, since I lost mine somewhere in the seventh month of my last pregnancy.
If you're hauling big ticket items this year I'd like fingerprint resistant windows and a radio that only plays adult music; a television that doesn't broadcast any programs containing talking animals; and a refrigerator with a secret compartment behind the crisper where I can hide to talk on the phone.
On the practical side, I could use a talking doll that says, "Yes, Mommy" to boost my parental confidence, along with two kids who don't fight and three pairs of jeans that will zip all the way up without the use of power tools.
I could also use a recording of Tibetan monks chanting "Don't eat in the living room" and "Take your hands off your sister," because my voice seems to be just out of my children's hearing range and can only be heard by the dog.
If it's too late to find any of these products, I'd settle for enough time to brush my teeth and comb my hair in the same morning, or the luxury of eating food warmer than room temperature without it being served in a Styrofoam container.
If you don't mind, I could also use a few Christmas miracles to brighten the holiday season. Would it be too much trouble to declare ketchup a vegetable? It will clear my conscience immensely. It would be helpful if you could coerce my children to help around the house without demanding payment as if they were the bosses of an organized crime family.
Well, Santa, the buzzer on the dryer is ringing and my son saw my feet under the laundry room door. I think he wants his crayon back.
Have a safe trip and remember to leave your wet boots by the door and come in and dry off so you don't catch cold.
Help yourself to cookies on the table but don't eat too many or leave crumbs on the carpet.
Yours Always,
P.S. One more thing...you can cancel all my requests if you can keep my children young enough to believe in Santa.
Sunday, December 17, 2006
The Report Card Report
English and Reading and History: 4's
Science: 3
Math: 1
Music: Well, it would need improvement if she was still doing the flute but she hated it and is back to what she does best...singing. I am sure this will be a 4 next term because it always is.
Physical Education: 3
Visual Arts: 3
Language Arts/Math lab: 3
Social Behaviors:
treats others with courtesy: 4
follows school rules: 4
follows classroom rules: 4
interacts cooperatively with others: 4
practices self control: 3
aceepts responsibility for choices and consequences: 4
Successful Learning Behaviors:
strives for quality work: 2
listens attentively: 3
uses time effectively: 2
follows oral/written directions: 3
works independently: 2
participates in class activities: 4
makes appropriate transitions: 2
completes and returns classwork/homework: 3
demonstrates organizational skills: 2
seeks help when necessary: 3
applies study skills: 3
Teacher Comments: Emily is a wonderful young lady. She works very hard. Slowing down and re-checking her work will improve her organizational skills. She is a great class member!
So all in all...pretty good. For some reason the social and learning behaviors always hold more weight to me than academics. I mean they are important too but the socail and learning skills tell me how I am doing, in some ways.
The usual "concerns" are there...organization, time management and math (which with the math I have a sneaking suspicion it would be a lot easier for her if she was more organized...math is a sequential, organized thing in and of it self).
Katherine: 3's and 4's across the board, so I am not gonna get detailed! Basically though, in comparison to last year, she has improved her academic, social and learning behaviors by leaps and bounds.
Teacher Comment: Katherine is a very courteous student. Her performance in all academic areas improves daily. Katherine has good learning and social behaviors.
English and Reading and History: 4's
Science: 3
Math: 1
Music: Well, it would need improvement if she was still doing the flute but she hated it and is back to what she does best...singing. I am sure this will be a 4 next term because it always is.
Physical Education: 3
Visual Arts: 3
Language Arts/Math lab: 3
Social Behaviors:
treats others with courtesy: 4
follows school rules: 4
follows classroom rules: 4
interacts cooperatively with others: 4
practices self control: 3
aceepts responsibility for choices and consequences: 4
Successful Learning Behaviors:
strives for quality work: 2
listens attentively: 3
uses time effectively: 2
follows oral/written directions: 3
works independently: 2
participates in class activities: 4
makes appropriate transitions: 2
completes and returns classwork/homework: 3
demonstrates organizational skills: 2
seeks help when necessary: 3
applies study skills: 3
Teacher Comments: Emily is a wonderful young lady. She works very hard. Slowing down and re-checking her work will improve her organizational skills. She is a great class member!
So all in all...pretty good. For some reason the social and learning behaviors always hold more weight to me than academics. I mean they are important too but the socail and learning skills tell me how I am doing, in some ways.
The usual "concerns" are there...organization, time management and math (which with the math I have a sneaking suspicion it would be a lot easier for her if she was more organized...math is a sequential, organized thing in and of it self).
Katherine: 3's and 4's across the board, so I am not gonna get detailed! Basically though, in comparison to last year, she has improved her academic, social and learning behaviors by leaps and bounds.
Teacher Comment: Katherine is a very courteous student. Her performance in all academic areas improves daily. Katherine has good learning and social behaviors.
Emily's Video
The lighting stinks but you can hear her and that's what really matters. She did a great job, especially considering she is getting over a cold.
Oh, and my father had fun with Movie Maker, hence the credits!
Yes, he spelled performed and "there" wrong but hey, he's cute anyway!
Oh, and my father had fun with Movie Maker, hence the credits!
Yes, he spelled performed and "there" wrong but hey, he's cute anyway!
Saturday, December 16, 2006
had her winter recital for her private voice lessons today.
She spent the night at Mimi and Papa's last night so that my mother (who is very well practiced after raising three daughter and plain and simple has a knack for such things) could do Emily's hair. Me? I am lucky if I can get it in a ponytail and have it look good. LOL.
Anyway, here is the result:

Beautiful isn't she?
Video clip of her singing to follow soon...
She spent the night at Mimi and Papa's last night so that my mother (who is very well practiced after raising three daughter and plain and simple has a knack for such things) could do Emily's hair. Me? I am lucky if I can get it in a ponytail and have it look good. LOL.
Anyway, here is the result:
Beautiful isn't she?
Video clip of her singing to follow soon...
Friday, December 15, 2006
Nope, You're Not a Grinch |
Although you may feel Grinch-like at times, it's just because you're worn out from the holidays. You get into the holiday spirit more than most people - and you truly enjoy celebrating with your family and friends. |
She NEVER Ceases To Amaze Me
When we moved in to this house last year, Ryun found an old (but working) air hockey table in the garage. It had everything except the puck and paddles, which Ryun went and got on his way home from work yesterday.
So last night, while I was out at my meeting, he and the girls (except for Julia who was in bed) went downstairs to play it. Apparently, Emily hit the puck too hard for Katherine's liking and she was afraid and angry (she threw the paddle on the floor and it broke which is a whole other story). Anyway, while Katherine was in major meltdown mode, Emily siad to Ryun (quiet enough so Katherine couldn't hear), "Oh my God, Dad, she's pathologically afraid of everything."
Her vocabulary amazes me. How the heck did she know how to use that word and use it appropriately? I can tell you it sure as hell isn't a vocabulary word she studies at school. When it comes to her reading, writing, English, and spelling skills, I can honestly say, I have no concern!
So last night, while I was out at my meeting, he and the girls (except for Julia who was in bed) went downstairs to play it. Apparently, Emily hit the puck too hard for Katherine's liking and she was afraid and angry (she threw the paddle on the floor and it broke which is a whole other story). Anyway, while Katherine was in major meltdown mode, Emily siad to Ryun (quiet enough so Katherine couldn't hear), "Oh my God, Dad, she's pathologically afraid of everything."
Her vocabulary amazes me. How the heck did she know how to use that word and use it appropriately? I can tell you it sure as hell isn't a vocabulary word she studies at school. When it comes to her reading, writing, English, and spelling skills, I can honestly say, I have no concern!
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Speech and Testing
Katherine is going to be pulled from the classroom once a week to go to speech with one of the speech and language pathologists at the school. Back in early November, at Katherine's parent-teacher conference, I had mentioned that Katherine was having trouble with r's and th's (r's came out like w's and th's came out like d's and sometimes, v's). She had noticed it as well, and recommended that Katherine have a speech evaluation, which took place yesterday. I haven't gotten the official word yet from the school, but Katherine reported back to me this morning that she is going to be going to see Mrs. V on Wednesdays. She sounds really excited about it actually, which is good. I was wondering if she would feel "weird" about leaving the classroom.
In other news, I had the first meeting with the person that will be doing Emily's neuro-psych testing. It was a meeting to go over my concerns and gave the doctor the chance to explain the whole process to me. Of course, me being me, I already knew the process (thanks to my own research) but it was nice to hear it described anyway. She asked me if Emily would be "ok" with all of this and if she was shy or would she be nervous? I basically said that she doesn't have a shy bone in her body and nervous? Uh, nope...the girl has more confidence in herself than anyone I have ever met.
In other news, I had the first meeting with the person that will be doing Emily's neuro-psych testing. It was a meeting to go over my concerns and gave the doctor the chance to explain the whole process to me. Of course, me being me, I already knew the process (thanks to my own research) but it was nice to hear it described anyway. She asked me if Emily would be "ok" with all of this and if she was shy or would she be nervous? I basically said that she doesn't have a shy bone in her body and nervous? Uh, nope...the girl has more confidence in herself than anyone I have ever met.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
When your husband calls sounding stressed and you ask what's wrong and he says:
"....not to mention that I stood on a 2 x4 that wasn't exactly secure and I lost my balance and fell about a foot and a half. If the staging wasn't already in the shaft you would have lost your husband."
Yeah. Sometimes I forget how dangerous his job can be.
"....not to mention that I stood on a 2 x4 that wasn't exactly secure and I lost my balance and fell about a foot and a half. If the staging wasn't already in the shaft you would have lost your husband."
Yeah. Sometimes I forget how dangerous his job can be.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
This was...
...well, one of those mornings. Emily left in tears, completely distraught over her outfit and shoes. She was wearing her brown and pink gouchos and her pink shirt. She couldn't find her brown and pink shoes so I told her she would have to wear her black. She wanted to wear her sneakers but the outfit is kind of fancy (or at least too fancy for sneakers) so I wouldn't let her. I had this weird idea that maybe making her wear the black shoes (that didn't look the best but probably better than sneakers would have) would teach her to keep better track of her things (in this case, she would have had the brown shoes and everyone would have been happy). She said, "People are going to make fun of me" and "I look like a boy (i have no idea so don't even ask)".
The thing is, this is one of those times where I am questioning my decision. Part of my overall concern with Emily and her lack of organization is that "consequences" don't seem to affect her. Sure, she was mad when she left but, more than likely my decision to make her wear the black shoes will do nothing to help her keep better track of her things. She won't think about what happened this time, the next time a situation like this comes up. So, maybe I should have just gave in and let her wear whatever she wanted? Or maybe, if I keep making her suffer the consequences she will eventually catch on?
I don't know and I am sure this will be one of many times that I second guess myself. Either way I feel bad that she went of to school angry and I hope it doesn't ruin her day.
The thing is, this is one of those times where I am questioning my decision. Part of my overall concern with Emily and her lack of organization is that "consequences" don't seem to affect her. Sure, she was mad when she left but, more than likely my decision to make her wear the black shoes will do nothing to help her keep better track of her things. She won't think about what happened this time, the next time a situation like this comes up. So, maybe I should have just gave in and let her wear whatever she wanted? Or maybe, if I keep making her suffer the consequences she will eventually catch on?
I don't know and I am sure this will be one of many times that I second guess myself. Either way I feel bad that she went of to school angry and I hope it doesn't ruin her day.
Monday, December 11, 2006
Does anyone know...
...if there is a website out there anywhere that could tell me what I could make with ingredients I have on hand?
For example, I say I have eggs, chicken, onion , bread, and carrots (random ingredients) and the website says, "Hey you can make this!"
Just curious if one such site existed.
I am being lazy, really. I have a lia sophia meeting tonight and I need to bring an appetizer. I just don't feel like going out to the store!
Like I said, lazy!
For example, I say I have eggs, chicken, onion , bread, and carrots (random ingredients) and the website says, "Hey you can make this!"
Just curious if one such site existed.
I am being lazy, really. I have a lia sophia meeting tonight and I need to bring an appetizer. I just don't feel like going out to the store!
Like I said, lazy!
Saturday, December 9, 2006
Today was the Local 4 (International Union of Elevator Constructors) Christmas party. We all had a great time and the kids are already asking if we can go next year! Here are some pictures from our day...

Santa came to visit all of the kids. Here's Emily sitting in his chair before he arrived.
There were two "jumpy things" there for the kids. Here's a great shot of Julia in mid-jump, with Emily jumping in the background being silly.

Ryun and Julia...during one of the few times I got her semi-smiling. It was the end of the day and she was very tired.

We got to decorate gingerbread cookies with the girls. Here Katherine proudly displays her creation!
And now...for my favorite photos of the day...

...don't they look all professional and what not (ok, well maybe I am bragging a little)? That's my handsome father there with Katherine, who proves in these pictures that she is a Sullivan through and through. The resemblence is strong, don't you think?
Santa came to visit all of the kids. Here's Emily sitting in his chair before he arrived.
Ryun and Julia...during one of the few times I got her semi-smiling. It was the end of the day and she was very tired.
We got to decorate gingerbread cookies with the girls. Here Katherine proudly displays her creation!
And now...for my favorite photos of the day...
...don't they look all professional and what not (ok, well maybe I am bragging a little)? That's my handsome father there with Katherine, who proves in these pictures that she is a Sullivan through and through. The resemblence is strong, don't you think?
Thursday, December 7, 2006
Moments I Love
...when Ryun calls me in (or I call him in) to the room to see a cute or funny thing that one of the kids is doing and we look at each other with that knowing smile that says, "What would we ever do without them?"
Wednesday, December 6, 2006
First Official Gingerbread House!

The MOMS Club does this every year. This year, we made them at the Senior Center with the seniors and it was really fun! Julia was quite the little charmer, and more "open" than I think she ever has been. I am pretty sure she ate more candy than used for decorating but she did help me squeeze out the frosting and push the candy on to the crackers.
Anyway, isn't it cute? I made sure to get a picture before it was demolished by the kids!
Note: I use the word "kids" in the broadest sense, because we all know that Ryun (and ok, maybe me) are going to be digging in as well!

The MOMS Club does this every year. This year, we made them at the Senior Center with the seniors and it was really fun! Julia was quite the little charmer, and more "open" than I think she ever has been. I am pretty sure she ate more candy than used for decorating but she did help me squeeze out the frosting and push the candy on to the crackers.
Anyway, isn't it cute? I made sure to get a picture before it was demolished by the kids!
Note: I use the word "kids" in the broadest sense, because we all know that Ryun (and ok, maybe me) are going to be digging in as well!
Tuesday, December 5, 2006
Who Knew A Crock Pot Could Be So Entertaining?
So last night, I made this yummy chicken-brown sugar-soy sauce-pineapple-garlic powder-Essence Masterpiece for dinner. Yes I am bragging but hey, it was good.
Anyway, I left the house to bring Emily to voice lessons and realized, I forgot to stir the crock pot before I left. Knowing Ryun was in the shower and wouldn't be able to get the phone, I decided to text him and this is what I said:
"Stir the crock."
His response?
"Crock You."
Then, after I dropped Em off at voice I went to my mothers house so that she could pick out her free jewelry she earned from her party on Friday. On the way home from there, I called Ryun and asked him to stir the crock again.
Katherine overheard me and said (IN ALL SERIOUSNESS),"Mom, are we having a crocodile for dinner?"
(Croc=Crock...get it?)
Anyway, I left the house to bring Emily to voice lessons and realized, I forgot to stir the crock pot before I left. Knowing Ryun was in the shower and wouldn't be able to get the phone, I decided to text him and this is what I said:
"Stir the crock."
His response?
"Crock You."
Then, after I dropped Em off at voice I went to my mothers house so that she could pick out her free jewelry she earned from her party on Friday. On the way home from there, I called Ryun and asked him to stir the crock again.
Katherine overheard me and said (IN ALL SERIOUSNESS),"Mom, are we having a crocodile for dinner?"
(Croc=Crock...get it?)
On the agenda for the new year...
...potty training. It is becoming more and more obvious how ready Julia is everyday. She tells me that her diaper is "very wet" and says (in her words), " I have yucky in there" when it's something else. She walks by the bathroom and her potty chair all of the time and knows exactly what she is supposed to do (right down to washing her hands).
So I was thinking...I should make potty training Julia my New Year's Resolution. AT least I know I will stick to it!
So I was thinking...I should make potty training Julia my New Year's Resolution. AT least I know I will stick to it!
Monday, December 4, 2006
...the weekend was so busy I can't even remember all that took place but here are a few highlights...
...Friday night...my mother's lia sophia show which went very well!
...Saturday...birthday party at my house for Katherine with Ryun's family.
...Sunday...The Girl Scout Craft Fair and dinner at Chili's with my sisters.
All in all, it was a good one.l
...Friday night...my mother's lia sophia show which went very well!
...Saturday...birthday party at my house for Katherine with Ryun's family.
...Sunday...The Girl Scout Craft Fair and dinner at Chili's with my sisters.
All in all, it was a good one.l
Sunday, December 3, 2006
I had this great post planned...
...and then someone pissed me off and my frame of mind is just not right anymore.
So whatever.
Playgroup tomorrow morning and maybe afterward, if the mood strikes, I'll post.
So whatever.
Playgroup tomorrow morning and maybe afterward, if the mood strikes, I'll post.
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