Tuesday, August 22, 2006

School Shopping

Earlier this evening, I ventured off in to that other-worldly land, known to most as "the mall" to start, and as it turns out, finish school shopping for the girls. I had it in my head to go directly to Target, but ended up taking a detour through Steve and Barrys, Gap, Sears, and Old Navy. I looked around these stores and found nothing. So, I went with my original plan and went to Target, where I was able to find numerous amounts of clothing, all within the price range. When all was said and done, I got three outfits for each kid, stuff to finally decorate the bathroom upstairs and a few other odds and ends. I still hadn't reached the spending limit so I went to Walmart on the way home and added two outfits per kid and sneakers for Julia, who has grown out of her size 5's.

All I can say?

Walmart and Target rock.

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