...flute lessons, voice lessons, soccer, Girls Scouts for both Emily and Katherine, PTA and Girl Scout Leadership for me, and a class at Jungle Gym for Julia.
Here's the schedule as it stands now:
Emily: voice on Monday's, flute on a yet to be determined day (lessons are actually at school but will require me dropping off and picking up her flute at school as instruments are not allowed on the bus), Girl Scouts every other Wednesday.
Katherine: Soccer practice on a yet to be determined day, Girl Scouts every other Wednesday (on the opposite schedule of Emily), soccer game every Sunday afternoon.
Julia: Parent and child class at the Jungle Gym on a yet to be determined morning. Her PT at both Health South and EI recommended this, as services for Julia are more than likely ending this month. Her last PT session at Health South is actually next week, and her EI evaluation is this Thursday. I had thought of doing this on my own anyway, and when Deb and Vida reccomended it as well, I decided to go for it.
Sharon: PTA meeting 2nd Wednesday of every month. I have taken on more of a leadership role this year, co-chairing the Cultural Enrichment Committee. I will be responsible for previewing and scheduling performers for all elementary students (K-5). It sounds like quite a bit of work, most of it from home but it seems like "fun" work so I am thinking it will be a good time. I still plan to chair the Food Committee this year for the annual Mardi Gras event as well. This was quite involved last year but I did do a damn good job if I do say so myself. I was able to get all food and drink donated and no money had to come out of the PTA budget.
I am co-leading Emily's Junior Girl Scout troop this year. Again, this seems like it will be quite invloved but fun so I am looking forward to it.
I will also be attending my regular Thursday Night Meetings, hopefully on a more regular basis as summer winds down (I have missed the last three).
I am really hoping to volunteer more from home as well. Last year I colored in books, did some cutting and glueing, and made games for Katherine's classroom. I hope to be able to help out in some way for both Emily and Katherine this year.
I am only feeling a little overwhelmed by all I have in my plate, and the collective plate that is my children. The transition from the carefree days of summer to the more scheduled school year is always a tough one I think, for me as well as the kids. By mid-September though, we will be in full swing and doing fine!
If you carry an instrument on a bus, you may be a terrorist?
ReplyDeleteLOL Something like that I guess. I did thnk it was a bit weird myself.