Wednesday, August 23, 2006


Last night, while I was out shopping, I bought Julia a new carriage.

I couldn't find a picture of the one I bought but this is a close replica. The one I bought was a different name brand and about $15 less than the one above.

The one we had had a broken wheel that was becoming increasingly more annoying and aggravating.

I decided to assemble it this morning, so that it would be ready for our planned trip to the zoo tomorrow. It took me all freakin' morning, I kid you not. I started at about 9, and just got finished about a 1/2 hour ago (11:30 EST). The most difficult part was assembling the back wheels. I think I spent an hour on just those alone.

You know, I have a lot of patience in most situations, except for when it comes to putting shit together.

This is why I usually leave these types of things for my darling husband, who has a lot of patience for these types of things, and not enough in other situations.

You know what they say about opposites...

At least it's done though!

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