Saturday, April 19, 2008

Why I Love Today

I love it because...'s 70ish degrees and sunny out.

...Ryun's out in his and fixing the car...with the bay door wide open.

...I am packing away the winter clothes and unpacking the summer clothes.

...the girls are happily playing in the yard.

...we will all be taking part in the yard "cleanup" this weekend.

...the spring and summer toys will again be scattered about the yard and the sandbox will be overflowing with sand.

There is nothing like the feeling that comes with saying, and in many ways, goodbye to winter and hello to spring. I couldn't even try to put it in to words. I have often thought that I would like to live somewhere that it is "spring-like" all of the time. I doubt though, that I would ever appreciate spring as much as I do here in good old New England.

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