Saturday, April 12, 2008

Emily... going on her first ever camping trip sans parents. Her Girl Scout troop is camping for a weekend in May (May 30th-June 1st). She is very excited about this, even if the 1st is her birthday and she won't be waking up at home for it. I didn't think this would bother her but, I had to check.

Anyway, I had to ask her leader about medicine etc. and found out that the troop leader is responsible for holding on to and dispensing the medicine. All leaders have to be certified in CPR and first aid, and, it just so happens one of her leaders is actually a nurse at Brockton Hospital. So, I feel totally comfortable with her going (except for the, "Oh my God, my baby won't be with me for two nights" part...medically though, I'm good).

It's funny that this will mean that two kids will be spending their birthdays away from home this year. Julia's will be spent some where in the White Mountains region of NH, because we are camping for that week in July.

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