Monday, April 14, 2008

Projects I Am Working On no particular order we have...

-mating and framing 8x10 scenic pictures I have taken. I have a long wall in my office that I plan to hanging these on. The mats (and eventually the frames when I buy them) are 11x14. It's been an expensive project (blowing the pictures up, buying the mats and now having to get the frames) which is why it has taken this long to get even to the point I am at.

-scrapbooks for the kids titled, "Things I Love About You" that I found at the Christmas Tree Shop ions ago. I have everything in them except...the pictures. They're all journaled and decorated though, so that's good. I am going to fill in the spots I left blank with pictures, hopefully this week.

-another craft type project, centering around household chores which I need to go out and buy craft sticks (think Popsicle sticks) in order to complete.

1 comment:

  1. I was a pleasure to meet you tonight.

    I wasn't sure if it was appropriate to mention that I visit here or not.

    So I didnt.

