Tuesday, April 1, 2008

The Best Laid Plans

So, last night, I went to an Open House at The Carver Holistic Counseling and Wellness Center. It was nice, and I got a free massage. I think I have decided what I am going to spend at least some of my lottery ticket winnings on because that? Was five minutes of pure heaven. The counselor I have been seeing founded the center so I have been there before, but hadn't met any of the other people involved.

I was for whatever reason practically having an anxiety attack about walking in and ended up driving around Carver for a while before I worked up the nerve. I have had moments like this before, but not usually when I am going to some place familiar. I think it had to do with the fact that I was going in to meet people I had not met before and thinking it would be weird to see my counselor outside of our bi-weekly one hour sessions. I finally just drove up, forced myself out of my car, and walked up. I still wasn't one hundred percent comfortable while there (I sort of wished I had asked a friend to go or something). In any event, it had nothing to do with my counselor, because I feel more than comfortable with her (more so than with any one else I have ever seen). It was the social anxiety kicking in for sure. I don't have it to the degree that some do, but I certainly have it to some degree.

Still, I am glad I went, and proud of myself for overcoming whatever fear was preventing me from just you know, being "normal" and walking in as soon as I got in to Carver and to the office.

1 comment:

  1. I am proud of you too!

    I have had social anxiety before and it can be so overwhelming.


    We can get a massage together, i mean i'll go with you i've never had one and always wanted one.
