Tuesday, April 8, 2008


It's not the clearest of pictures, but you can see that Julia has learned to write her name! YAY! She has been able to spell it verbally for a while (thanks to a song that my sister Heather made up to teach her (J-u-l-i-a, J-u-l-i-a, this is how you spell my name it's J-u-l-i-a, sung to the tune of The Farmer and the Dell). One of the things she practices with the occupational therapist at school is fine motor skills (such as writing, lacing, beading etc). Obviously, she has this one down pat.


  1. awww so cool that I tought her that!

  2. Sharon that is so awesome!!! I really did not know 3 and a half yr olds could write their own name....!!!

    I am in the potty training stage.....so next could be writing??


    GO Julia!
