Tuesday, April 22, 2008

While the kids are otherwise occupied...

...outside playing in the yard, I thought I would mention, the timing of which is completely coincidental, that we have decided to recycle our bottles and cans. I am not sure why we ever stopped to be honest, because really? It's like throwing away money, and last night, as I was cleaning up after Monday Night Poker, I realized I was about to throw out $1.05. That's just wrong. Aside from that, even if we were too lazy to being the bottles and cans to the local recycling center just a mile or two down the street? Middleboro has there own recycling program from which we would see no monetary benefit but, at least it would be earth friendly.

So, Ryun is going to set up one of our barrels outside as a recycling bin and when it's full, I will bring it down to the center and turn the bottles and cans in. Seems easy and reasonable enough.

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