...that I would not be notified of Emily having a substitute teacher for the rest of the year? Apparently, her teacher's mother is dying and she informed the class on the Friday before vacation that she would more than likely be gone for the year. So I mean, this is only Monday and most notices come home in the all important "Tuesday Folder" but Emily is insisting that other than her verbally telling me, that there will be no other notification. I find this extremely hard to believe. You?
NOPE not at all. They never notified our students parents when their teacher flipped off her class and is suspended/fired.
ReplyDeleteNOR did they give us any update info when Em's teacher was out on maternity (no new teacher, contact info)
i swear they think 5th graders are capable of telling.
im still waiting for our principal to call me.
I think it's weird because when I worked at Cherubs we would always send a letter out, even if the teacher was just switching shifts or classrooms. parents were always notified before it happened. Maybe becasue it was a private place they did it, I don't know. But either way as someone with a teaching degree I find it crazy they have not told you. I would personlly contact the school and voice your opinion. especially where it is Emily, and she is on an ed plan. also since she has epliepsy. even if she is not currently having seizures.