Last night's raccoon on the deck thing? Turned out to be one of the funniest "animals in the wild" stories I have ever been involved with.
I was sitting in my office when I heard noises outside on and near the deck. The wind was blowing a little so I thought it could have been that knocking the barrels around but alas, it was Rick the Raccoon, foraging for his dinner. When he looked up at me on the deck (from the raised rock wall/grassy area below which is where the trash is kept) he turned and scurried along out back in to the dark. The barrel was knocked over so Ryun went out, picked it up, and put the cover back on tightly. A few minutes later? Rick was back at it again, and this time, he "hung out" long enough for me to capture the picture I posted a couple of entries back. After he made his way back in the woods again, Ryun went out again, but this time? He put a pail of cold water on top of the barrel. I had planned on going to bed but this? Was going to be FUNNY. So I stayed in the office, waiting to hear noises indicating that the raccoon was back. He didn't disappoint, but he didn't even go near the original and only barrel with trash even in it. So Ryun? He's getting slightly annoyed at this point and goes out and pours vinegar all over the ground and on the barrel in question. Not one to let a little strongly smelling vinegar keep him way, Rick came back again and when I tried to capture another picture of him, looked at me mockingly and ran away. This time? Ryun went out with a bucket full of popcorn laced with bleach. I though this might have been a taking it a little too far (not that I am Miss. Humane Society or something but I didn't want the poor thing dead, nor any other animals that may happen by). Ryun still had somewhat of a sense of humor about it though and said half jokingly, "I don't give @#$%, I am sick of cleaning up after him." And yes, you guessed it, the dang thing came back. He looked at the bucket, sniffed at the ground and left. I have no idea if he made any return visits during the night because I went to sleep. Ryun went out this morning and removed the still full container of popcorn, finding no evidence that any of it had been eaten. It still reeks of vinegar out there.
The whole thing was really kind of funny.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
This morning after she was finished getting dressed and ready for the day:
"Mom, I look good now, so can I go to school?"
"Mom, I look good now, so can I go to school?"
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Someone Was Hungry Tonight
On The Blog/Website Related Front
I need to...
...update the blogroll again. more about website design and use my limited (as in still learning) HTML skills to design the Snapshots By Sharon website I have already bought the domain for. an "already in my head just need to translate to paper" entry over at the education blog.
...ditto for the photography blog.
...further research and look in to the "blog for money" opportunity I had mentioned a while back.
...update the blogroll again. more about website design and use my limited (as in still learning) HTML skills to design the Snapshots By Sharon website I have already bought the domain for. an "already in my head just need to translate to paper" entry over at the education blog.
...ditto for the photography blog.
...further research and look in to the "blog for money" opportunity I had mentioned a while back.
Can someone tell me what's so great about it? No, I am not being sarcastic, just curious. I hear a lot of talk about how great it is and I just wanted to know.
That Last Post?
If it looked familiar it's because it was a re-post for this give away thing I entered. Also, it is not at all reflective of my current state of mind so it just looks weird sitting there today. I in a "leave me alone world" frame of mind.
Things I Never Knew Before Becoming Mom
Do you ever look at your life and think, "This is not what I imagined it would be?" I do mean this in the best of possible ways.
I always thought I would get married and raise a family. I just never, in a million years pictured all of the "little things."
I never knew that there would be the "looks." You know, the "I am so proud of you" look, or the "I am going to kill you" look, or the "Did she really just say that?" look.
I never knew that the sound of someone else laughing could actually make my whole day.
I never knew that the sound of someone else crying could ruin my whole day.
I never knew what it would feel like to have someone else look up to me, in an almost "god like" fashion.
I never knew that that someone would go from thinking I am "god like" to thinking that I know absolutely nothing and sometimes back again.
I never knew that I would have to think of such things like...why the sky is blue, or how the bird flies, or why it looks like we are going backwards when a big truck passes us on the highway.
I never once thought that I would have to answer questions like, "How old do I have to be to stay home alone?" or "When can I start shaving my legs?"
I never once thought that my every action would have such an influence on someone else.
I never, ever imagined how hard this would all be.
I also never imagined how wonderful it would be to see all of our hard work pay off.
I never imagined loving someone so completely, even when they are yelling and screaming about going to bed or cleaning their room.
I never imagined how fulfilling this would all be.
I always thought I would get married and raise a family. I just never, in a million years pictured all of the "little things."
I never knew that there would be the "looks." You know, the "I am so proud of you" look, or the "I am going to kill you" look, or the "Did she really just say that?" look.
I never knew that the sound of someone else laughing could actually make my whole day.
I never knew that the sound of someone else crying could ruin my whole day.
I never knew what it would feel like to have someone else look up to me, in an almost "god like" fashion.
I never knew that that someone would go from thinking I am "god like" to thinking that I know absolutely nothing and sometimes back again.
I never knew that I would have to think of such things like...why the sky is blue, or how the bird flies, or why it looks like we are going backwards when a big truck passes us on the highway.
I never once thought that I would have to answer questions like, "How old do I have to be to stay home alone?" or "When can I start shaving my legs?"
I never once thought that my every action would have such an influence on someone else.
I never, ever imagined how hard this would all be.
I also never imagined how wonderful it would be to see all of our hard work pay off.
I never imagined loving someone so completely, even when they are yelling and screaming about going to bed or cleaning their room.
I never imagined how fulfilling this would all be.
Don't you hate it when...
...just because someone else sees something as "really important to the well being of the kids," they automatically think you should see it as important too?
Drives me doggone crazy, yes it does.
Drives me doggone crazy, yes it does.
Monday, April 28, 2008
Does anyone else think it odd...
...that I would not be notified of Emily having a substitute teacher for the rest of the year? Apparently, her teacher's mother is dying and she informed the class on the Friday before vacation that she would more than likely be gone for the year. So I mean, this is only Monday and most notices come home in the all important "Tuesday Folder" but Emily is insisting that other than her verbally telling me, that there will be no other notification. I find this extremely hard to believe. You?
Because I am anxiously awaiting a post from Jay on "eating cheap", I have been thinking a lot about food lately and how much we spend on it. It's a lot...too much I think.
On average I spend about $150 per week. In theory, this would be more, if I wasn't constantly buying what is on sale, or buying store brand if available. I also find the weeks in which I actually scan the circulars, noting what is on sale and comparing it with what I need, I save even more. Without doing all of that, the bill would more than likely run about $200-250 per week. (For those who may not know, and just for practical purposes to use as a baseline here, we are a family of five, two adults, and three girls, ages 11 (almost anyway), 8 and 3).
There are a couple of obvious things I know I could do to save money off the bat. One would be to actually spend some quality time cooking. Right now, I do only what I have to to get a hot meal on the table. Convenience and speed are key for me. This is not to say that we eat macaroni and cheese and tv dinners every night. I cook, I just don't spend a heck of a lot of time doing it. Things that take more than a half hour to prepare and eat, aren't my preference, unless, it involves a crock pot. Throwing something together in the morning and stirring it occasionally throughout the day? Now that is my kind of cooking. It would help of course, if I enjoyed the process a bit more. If I actually enjoyed cooking, I might spend a little more time with it, and with the general planning of it (like meal planning in advance, scanning for sales, experimenting with recipes etc.).
As mentioned before, I am not a person who has to buy name brand anything really. It basically all tastes the same to me and, whatever minor difference there may be, does not justify, in my opinion, the extra money to get the name brand. I don't see my self saving any money there. I think I am already doing what I can.
I do occasionally use coupons. Mostly, I use the ones that come and say "Spend $50 and get $10 off your entire order" as opposed to, "Buy 2 of these really overpriced, already expensive things and we'll give you one free." I think coupons have a way of suckering you in to buying the more expensive item to begin with, trying to make it look like you are saving money when actually, you probably aren't. At least not enough to make it worth the aggravation of cutting coupons and, you know, actually remembering to use them.
Thoughts? Do you have any money saving tips, outside of what has already been mentioned?
On average I spend about $150 per week. In theory, this would be more, if I wasn't constantly buying what is on sale, or buying store brand if available. I also find the weeks in which I actually scan the circulars, noting what is on sale and comparing it with what I need, I save even more. Without doing all of that, the bill would more than likely run about $200-250 per week. (For those who may not know, and just for practical purposes to use as a baseline here, we are a family of five, two adults, and three girls, ages 11 (almost anyway), 8 and 3).
There are a couple of obvious things I know I could do to save money off the bat. One would be to actually spend some quality time cooking. Right now, I do only what I have to to get a hot meal on the table. Convenience and speed are key for me. This is not to say that we eat macaroni and cheese and tv dinners every night. I cook, I just don't spend a heck of a lot of time doing it. Things that take more than a half hour to prepare and eat, aren't my preference, unless, it involves a crock pot. Throwing something together in the morning and stirring it occasionally throughout the day? Now that is my kind of cooking. It would help of course, if I enjoyed the process a bit more. If I actually enjoyed cooking, I might spend a little more time with it, and with the general planning of it (like meal planning in advance, scanning for sales, experimenting with recipes etc.).
As mentioned before, I am not a person who has to buy name brand anything really. It basically all tastes the same to me and, whatever minor difference there may be, does not justify, in my opinion, the extra money to get the name brand. I don't see my self saving any money there. I think I am already doing what I can.
I do occasionally use coupons. Mostly, I use the ones that come and say "Spend $50 and get $10 off your entire order" as opposed to, "Buy 2 of these really overpriced, already expensive things and we'll give you one free." I think coupons have a way of suckering you in to buying the more expensive item to begin with, trying to make it look like you are saving money when actually, you probably aren't. At least not enough to make it worth the aggravation of cutting coupons and, you know, actually remembering to use them.
Thoughts? Do you have any money saving tips, outside of what has already been mentioned?
Morning Has Broken
The other day, the "photographer" in me decided that it was high time I "caught" on camera the wild turkeys that live in the woods out back. They have made a few appearances over the past few weeks, but never at a time when it was convenient for me to take a photo, or, by the time I located the camera they were gone. Most of the time, we have seen and heard them in the wee hours of the morning, so I got up early, and went out, camera in hand to wait. Of course, the turkeys picked that day not to come out, but, that doesn't mean my going out there was all for nothing. I can't think of a more peaceful and relaxing way to spend a morning than watching the world wake up. I saw a deer at the edge of the woods. I managed to capture a picture of the elusive bunny (we have named Peter Cottontail). I heard all kinds of wild life. It was truly a beautiful experience.

Pretty red flowers that grow in abundance. All my flower-loving friends, help me out here...what are these red ones and the purple ones above?

Pretty red flowers that grow in abundance. All my flower-loving friends, help me out here...what are these red ones and the purple ones above?
Friday, April 25, 2008
At some point soon...
...there will actually be content here beyond pictures of the kids. Not that those aren't enjoyable to view, but actual "blogging" would be good too.
I meant to post about my adventures getting up early and heading outside the other day and how wonderful that was.
I meant to post about the BOS/FINCOM/School Committee meeting I went to the other night.
I meant to post about a bunch of "other things" too but, time? It has a funny way of escaping me, especially it seems, lately.
So stay tuned...the posts will get done, hopefully before what I wanted to say escapes the confines of my mind altogether.
I meant to post about my adventures getting up early and heading outside the other day and how wonderful that was.
I meant to post about the BOS/FINCOM/School Committee meeting I went to the other night.
I meant to post about a bunch of "other things" too but, time? It has a funny way of escaping me, especially it seems, lately.
So stay tuned...the posts will get done, hopefully before what I wanted to say escapes the confines of my mind altogether.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Two Cats and A Kid
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
While the kids are otherwise occupied...
...outside playing in the yard, I thought I would mention, the timing of which is completely coincidental, that we have decided to recycle our bottles and cans. I am not sure why we ever stopped to be honest, because really? It's like throwing away money, and last night, as I was cleaning up after Monday Night Poker, I realized I was about to throw out $1.05. That's just wrong. Aside from that, even if we were too lazy to being the bottles and cans to the local recycling center just a mile or two down the street? Middleboro has there own recycling program from which we would see no monetary benefit but, at least it would be earth friendly.
So, Ryun is going to set up one of our barrels outside as a recycling bin and when it's full, I will bring it down to the center and turn the bottles and cans in. Seems easy and reasonable enough.
So, Ryun is going to set up one of our barrels outside as a recycling bin and when it's full, I will bring it down to the center and turn the bottles and cans in. Seems easy and reasonable enough.
I had planned on a trip to the library today so the kids could get a couple of needed books for school related projects but thanks to the modern day wonder of the internet, we instead browsed and reserved them online. Ryun will be picking the books up on his way home. I know, it was slightly on the lazy side but you know what? It's school vacation. I can be lazy. Also, we have plans tomorrow to head south to the canal for a picnic lunch and bike riding, and perhaps a trip to the playground the next day. So I am not being that lazy really. And why am I trying to justify this anyway? Sheesh.
Other than that, I will be doing laundry today. We took the spring/summer clothes out this weekend so I am washing those. I hate that they get put away clean but need to be washed again upon being taken back out of storage to get rid of that "I have been in storage all winter smell." I hate laundry as it is, and it's just annoying to have to wash the same clothes twice.
If the kids actually finish cleaning they will be going outside today. This week is going to be perfect vacation weather. YAY!
Other than that, I will be doing laundry today. We took the spring/summer clothes out this weekend so I am washing those. I hate that they get put away clean but need to be washed again upon being taken back out of storage to get rid of that "I have been in storage all winter smell." I hate laundry as it is, and it's just annoying to have to wash the same clothes twice.
If the kids actually finish cleaning they will be going outside today. This week is going to be perfect vacation weather. YAY!
Sunday, April 20, 2008
...Would it be appropriate to include some of the skills I have acquired as a result of becoming a parent on an application to "blog for pay?" The opportunity specifically focuses on families, parenting, and other related topics.
Some of the skills I was thinking of including, in perhaps a more professional manner can be found here.
Some of the skills I was thinking of including, in perhaps a more professional manner can be found here.
You Know What I Was Thinking?
I was thinking that it's funny that people complain that other people aren't minding their own business, when the actual act of complaining about someone else is not really minding your business either.
People are silly like that.
People are silly like that.
To answer my own question...
Go on an African Safari Tour.
Go on a "Photography Tour" of the entire world. I can so see myself in weird, remote, exotic locations, camera in hand, not a care in the world.
Move to NH.
Go on an African Safari Tour.
Go on a "Photography Tour" of the entire world. I can so see myself in weird, remote, exotic locations, camera in hand, not a care in the world.
Move to NH.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Why I Love Today
I love it because...'s 70ish degrees and sunny out.
...Ryun's out in his and fixing the car...with the bay door wide open.
...I am packing away the winter clothes and unpacking the summer clothes.
...the girls are happily playing in the yard.
...we will all be taking part in the yard "cleanup" this weekend.
...the spring and summer toys will again be scattered about the yard and the sandbox will be overflowing with sand.
There is nothing like the feeling that comes with saying, and in many ways, goodbye to winter and hello to spring. I couldn't even try to put it in to words. I have often thought that I would like to live somewhere that it is "spring-like" all of the time. I doubt though, that I would ever appreciate spring as much as I do here in good old New England.'s 70ish degrees and sunny out.
...Ryun's out in his and fixing the car...with the bay door wide open.
...I am packing away the winter clothes and unpacking the summer clothes.
...the girls are happily playing in the yard.
...we will all be taking part in the yard "cleanup" this weekend.
...the spring and summer toys will again be scattered about the yard and the sandbox will be overflowing with sand.
There is nothing like the feeling that comes with saying, and in many ways, goodbye to winter and hello to spring. I couldn't even try to put it in to words. I have often thought that I would like to live somewhere that it is "spring-like" all of the time. I doubt though, that I would ever appreciate spring as much as I do here in good old New England.
Summer Plans,
Weather Report
Thursday, April 17, 2008
If you could do anything (or things) you wanted, go anywhere, see anyone or anything, with out it having any negative consequences whatsoever, what would go do, see, or get?
My answer coming up later today or tonight!
My answer coming up later today or tonight!
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Did I Mention... much I LOVE this weather we have been experiencing? To put it in to perspective for you, I am planning on doing a major "spring yard cleanup" thing tomorrow and I am actually looking forward to it. I know, right?
My plan is to let Julia run around in the yard while I rake and pick up the millions of sticks all over the back yard. I also need to get to the Fire Station while she is at school so I can get a burn permit for this weekend. Aside from that I am planning on going through their "outdoor toys" and getting things organized in to the big old plastic box they have out there. We need to buy sand for the sandbox too.
I will probably end up food shopping tomorrow night as opposed to right after she gets out of school or while she is there. I won't have time in the morning between going to the bank, the Fire Department, an appointment I have to go to as well.
Anyway, I hope the nice weather is here to stay!
My plan is to let Julia run around in the yard while I rake and pick up the millions of sticks all over the back yard. I also need to get to the Fire Station while she is at school so I can get a burn permit for this weekend. Aside from that I am planning on going through their "outdoor toys" and getting things organized in to the big old plastic box they have out there. We need to buy sand for the sandbox too.
I will probably end up food shopping tomorrow night as opposed to right after she gets out of school or while she is there. I won't have time in the morning between going to the bank, the Fire Department, an appointment I have to go to as well.
Anyway, I hope the nice weather is here to stay!
Uncle Ed's Retirement Video
This is the retirement video the folks down in D.C. made for my Uncle when he recently retired as the President of the Building Trades Division of the AFL-CIO. After Emily saw this she said, "Mom, don't you think he should run for President? I mean sure, he wouldn't be the "first" of anything (first woman etc.) but he has some really good ideas." Speaking of running for President, I think his political persuasions will become obvious as you watch this video (although mentioning that he retired from the AFL-CIO probably tells you a lot to begin with). There is one picture of him with the current President though!
In your opinion, how old do kids have to be... unload/reload the dishwasher?
...transfer and bring laundry up and down a flight of stairs?
...fold and put laundry away?
...empty and take the trash out?
...transfer and bring laundry up and down a flight of stairs?
...fold and put laundry away?
...empty and take the trash out?
Apparently, Julia had a conversation yesterday at school about the solar system/planets.
When we were leaving, we had a conversation that went like this:
Julia: "This is a planet."
Me: "What's the name of this planet, Julia?"
Julia: "Mars."
Me: "It sure feels that way sometimes, doesn't it?"
When we were leaving, we had a conversation that went like this:
Julia: "This is a planet."
Me: "What's the name of this planet, Julia?"
Julia: "Mars."
Me: "It sure feels that way sometimes, doesn't it?"
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
It has been...
...a crazy busy couple of days, and with what always seems to be the busiest time of the year on the horizon, I don't see it ending any time soon.
I also seem to have a lot on my mind right now...just everyday life type stuff, but stuff that seems to be keeping me rather preoccupied nonetheless. About the only good thing that has come out of it is that I seem to be driven more so than normal to get done what needs to get done, even despite my not being able to stay focused on any one thing for any length of time.
Anyway, if I am not posting here as frequently as one would expect, that's why. Life has a tendency to get in the way sometimes, y' know?
I also seem to have a lot on my mind right now...just everyday life type stuff, but stuff that seems to be keeping me rather preoccupied nonetheless. About the only good thing that has come out of it is that I seem to be driven more so than normal to get done what needs to get done, even despite my not being able to stay focused on any one thing for any length of time.
Anyway, if I am not posting here as frequently as one would expect, that's why. Life has a tendency to get in the way sometimes, y' know?
Monday, April 14, 2008
Projects I Am Working On no particular order we have...
-mating and framing 8x10 scenic pictures I have taken. I have a long wall in my office that I plan to hanging these on. The mats (and eventually the frames when I buy them) are 11x14. It's been an expensive project (blowing the pictures up, buying the mats and now having to get the frames) which is why it has taken this long to get even to the point I am at.
-scrapbooks for the kids titled, "Things I Love About You" that I found at the Christmas Tree Shop ions ago. I have everything in them except...the pictures. They're all journaled and decorated though, so that's good. I am going to fill in the spots I left blank with pictures, hopefully this week.
-another craft type project, centering around household chores which I need to go out and buy craft sticks (think Popsicle sticks) in order to complete.
-mating and framing 8x10 scenic pictures I have taken. I have a long wall in my office that I plan to hanging these on. The mats (and eventually the frames when I buy them) are 11x14. It's been an expensive project (blowing the pictures up, buying the mats and now having to get the frames) which is why it has taken this long to get even to the point I am at.
-scrapbooks for the kids titled, "Things I Love About You" that I found at the Christmas Tree Shop ions ago. I have everything in them except...the pictures. They're all journaled and decorated though, so that's good. I am going to fill in the spots I left blank with pictures, hopefully this week.
-another craft type project, centering around household chores which I need to go out and buy craft sticks (think Popsicle sticks) in order to complete.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Emily's 504 Plan: The Details
Emily is currently on a 504 Accommodation Plan based on her diagnosis of ADHD. Her plan is reviewed every March, and added to or changed if needed. Her current accommodations are as follows:
-Preferential seating
-Parent/teacher communication as needed
-Reminders to bring home important papers at the end of the day
-Frequent verbal cues prior to giving directions and transitioning
-Rules and expectations should be clear, explicit, and consistently reviewed for understanding
-Small group and alternate site for testing
-Checklists and graphic organizers
-Time lines for longer assignments
-Check agenda and material daily
-Study guides and outlines as needed
I can tell you right now, only some of these are being adhered to. I really don't see it as much of a concern now (although I often wonder how much better she would be doing if she was more organized and together, which would be helped by following the above accommodations) but I am so concerned about next year (middle school) that I am practically having anxiety attacks about it. As it stands right now academically, she is doing well enough to succeed (mostly 3's which is Middleboro means at grade level standard). Could she be doing even better if she was more organized both mentally and physically? I think so. I haven't really worried to much about it because at grade level standard? That's not something to be concerned about really, is it? Unless of course (which my counselor pointed out and I have often thought), she is gifted. Then, at grade level standard might be a concern. What really worries me about next year though, is how much more organized she will need to be (compared to elementary school) just to get by, let alone get to grade level standards or beyond. While I hope some of the needed organization skills will come with maturity, I also know that some of this? It's just the "way she is." Did I mention she has a known abnormality (diagnosed via MRI during the whole Epilepsy diagnosis saga) in the frontal lobe of her brain (the very area which "controls" the so called executive functions of the brain, as well as planning and memory)? So yes, maturity may help, but I question how much it will help.
I feel like I have failed her in a way, not really taking the necessary steps to make sure her 504 plan accommodations are being met. I don't want to be known as "one of those parents" who constantly calls the school, demands services for their child, and in general is just a pain in the ass. Because really? I'm not. Also, authority figures that by the very nature of their job title and/or degree are supposed to know about these things and have a tendency to make you feel inferior, they scare me. Scare the hell out of me if I am being honest. For some reason I live in this world which I think , "If there's a plan in place, they must be following it because well, they're supposed to." After I bang my head on the desk though and come back to reality, I know that while the plan is there, it may not be being enforced and the only way it will be is if I make sure that it is. To that end, not only am I going to take some initiative and meet with the necessary people prior to next year even starting, I am going to request that the following accommodations be added to her existing plan:
-tap on desk or use some other code to bring child back in to focus.
-notify family immediately of any missing or late assignments by phone or email.
-provide Emily with a simple outline and/or notes for lectures.
-allow for expedient make up of late or incorrectly done homework. If deduction for lateness works to the curb problem, keep doing it. If not, recognize the problem as an uncorrectable disability.
-provide an extra set of books for home.
I think the addition of these accommodations, combined with maturity and medication, will really get Emily off on the right foot for the beginning of next year.
-Preferential seating
-Parent/teacher communication as needed
-Reminders to bring home important papers at the end of the day
-Frequent verbal cues prior to giving directions and transitioning
-Rules and expectations should be clear, explicit, and consistently reviewed for understanding
-Small group and alternate site for testing
-Checklists and graphic organizers
-Time lines for longer assignments
-Check agenda and material daily
-Study guides and outlines as needed
I can tell you right now, only some of these are being adhered to. I really don't see it as much of a concern now (although I often wonder how much better she would be doing if she was more organized and together, which would be helped by following the above accommodations) but I am so concerned about next year (middle school) that I am practically having anxiety attacks about it. As it stands right now academically, she is doing well enough to succeed (mostly 3's which is Middleboro means at grade level standard). Could she be doing even better if she was more organized both mentally and physically? I think so. I haven't really worried to much about it because at grade level standard? That's not something to be concerned about really, is it? Unless of course (which my counselor pointed out and I have often thought), she is gifted. Then, at grade level standard might be a concern. What really worries me about next year though, is how much more organized she will need to be (compared to elementary school) just to get by, let alone get to grade level standards or beyond. While I hope some of the needed organization skills will come with maturity, I also know that some of this? It's just the "way she is." Did I mention she has a known abnormality (diagnosed via MRI during the whole Epilepsy diagnosis saga) in the frontal lobe of her brain (the very area which "controls" the so called executive functions of the brain, as well as planning and memory)? So yes, maturity may help, but I question how much it will help.
I feel like I have failed her in a way, not really taking the necessary steps to make sure her 504 plan accommodations are being met. I don't want to be known as "one of those parents" who constantly calls the school, demands services for their child, and in general is just a pain in the ass. Because really? I'm not. Also, authority figures that by the very nature of their job title and/or degree are supposed to know about these things and have a tendency to make you feel inferior, they scare me. Scare the hell out of me if I am being honest. For some reason I live in this world which I think , "If there's a plan in place, they must be following it because well, they're supposed to." After I bang my head on the desk though and come back to reality, I know that while the plan is there, it may not be being enforced and the only way it will be is if I make sure that it is. To that end, not only am I going to take some initiative and meet with the necessary people prior to next year even starting, I am going to request that the following accommodations be added to her existing plan:
-tap on desk or use some other code to bring child back in to focus.
-notify family immediately of any missing or late assignments by phone or email.
-provide Emily with a simple outline and/or notes for lectures.
-allow for expedient make up of late or incorrectly done homework. If deduction for lateness works to the curb problem, keep doing it. If not, recognize the problem as an uncorrectable disability.
-provide an extra set of books for home.
I think the addition of these accommodations, combined with maturity and medication, will really get Emily off on the right foot for the beginning of next year.
Does anyone else postpone doing something requiring major concentration for a time when they know that there is absolutely no chance of interruption? Right now for example, the kids are happily entertained in the living room and I could potentially get some of the reading I need to get done accomplished. However, the mere possibility of interruption is enough to make me want to wait until they are all in bed, or, Ryun arrives home and can "handle" the kids. I hate having to do things in "chunks." I would rather sit here in to the wee hours reading and writing, then have to start, stop, start stop etc. It's because of this mentality that I often wish for an entire day just to do everything that needs doing without any possibility of outside distraction at all. Of course, my own ability to "distract myself" probably wouldn't help my cause but the likelihood of getting things done would still be greater than they would otherwise.
It would also help if I could stop looking at the big picture (I need to do this, this and this, oh and when I am done this, and don't forget about that, and aren't there about a million books I want to read too?) and just focus on this minute, right now and what I can accomplish within it.
Because if I really think about it? Ten minutes now to get something done is better than no time at all, and perhaps better than ten minutes at midnight, when any sane person would be in bed.
It would also help if I could stop looking at the big picture (I need to do this, this and this, oh and when I am done this, and don't forget about that, and aren't there about a million books I want to read too?) and just focus on this minute, right now and what I can accomplish within it.
Because if I really think about it? Ten minutes now to get something done is better than no time at all, and perhaps better than ten minutes at midnight, when any sane person would be in bed.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Emily... going on her first ever camping trip sans parents. Her Girl Scout troop is camping for a weekend in May (May 30th-June 1st). She is very excited about this, even if the 1st is her birthday and she won't be waking up at home for it. I didn't think this would bother her but, I had to check.
Anyway, I had to ask her leader about medicine etc. and found out that the troop leader is responsible for holding on to and dispensing the medicine. All leaders have to be certified in CPR and first aid, and, it just so happens one of her leaders is actually a nurse at Brockton Hospital. So, I feel totally comfortable with her going (except for the, "Oh my God, my baby won't be with me for two nights" part...medically though, I'm good).
It's funny that this will mean that two kids will be spending their birthdays away from home this year. Julia's will be spent some where in the White Mountains region of NH, because we are camping for that week in July.
Anyway, I had to ask her leader about medicine etc. and found out that the troop leader is responsible for holding on to and dispensing the medicine. All leaders have to be certified in CPR and first aid, and, it just so happens one of her leaders is actually a nurse at Brockton Hospital. So, I feel totally comfortable with her going (except for the, "Oh my God, my baby won't be with me for two nights" part...medically though, I'm good).
It's funny that this will mean that two kids will be spending their birthdays away from home this year. Julia's will be spent some where in the White Mountains region of NH, because we are camping for that week in July.
Friday, April 11, 2008
I just found out through my mother, that Katherine's preschool teacher's son who is a friend of the family, is not going to make it through the weekend. He just found out he had cancer again, after fighting and beating it a couple of years back. He is 25 years old. Her husband died about 4 years ago from cancer too. I don't know how the people that are left behind go on after these kinds of things.
If you pray to anyone or any thing, can you please add them to your prayers? And, even if you don't, keep them in your thoughts, if you could.
If you pray to anyone or any thing, can you please add them to your prayers? And, even if you don't, keep them in your thoughts, if you could.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Earlier today before she left for school, I was showing Emily some recent pictures of Julia. I said to Emily, "isn't she so cute? Can you imagine life without her?"
Emily's response?
"No, I can't. I am so glad you and Dad decided to reproduce."
Emily's response?
"No, I can't. I am so glad you and Dad decided to reproduce."
What do I love about Middleboro in general and what do I miss about our old house?

I drove down while Julia was at school this morning. I pulled right over the track in to the "Great Beyond" and captured these. The first two are of the dirt road leading out to the bogs. The next two are of the tracks for the Bay Colony Railroad, that basically ran right behind the house. The last five are of the path that leads out in to the woods behind the house. I really miss being there, if not for this reason alone.
Breathtaking, isn't it?

I drove down while Julia was at school this morning. I pulled right over the track in to the "Great Beyond" and captured these. The first two are of the dirt road leading out to the bogs. The next two are of the tracks for the Bay Colony Railroad, that basically ran right behind the house. The last five are of the path that leads out in to the woods behind the house. I really miss being there, if not for this reason alone.
Breathtaking, isn't it?
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
This morning I heard Emily and Katherine getting up. They were in the kitchen getting their breakfast (which yes, I let them do if they are awake before the 6:15 alarm). Anyway, they turned on the tv in the living room and I heard all kinds of yelling and screaming, and what sounded like the Indiana Jones theme song playing on the tv.
They were watching, of their own accord, the recorded Red Sox World Series Ring Ceremony. Ryun would be proud, Grandpa too I think. They are so darn cute sometimes, I can't stand it.
They were watching, of their own accord, the recorded Red Sox World Series Ring Ceremony. Ryun would be proud, Grandpa too I think. They are so darn cute sometimes, I can't stand it.
Thank You Oh Mighty And Powerful...
...Gods of the Sun and Warmth.
Please, please, please, stay. And never, ever go away.
Please, please, please, stay. And never, ever go away.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
The PTA Mom
It seems that each year, at least over the past few, I have gradually added to my list of volunteer related "work." I started off as a Sunday school teacher. I quickly realized that that was not my calling (actually I probably knew that before I even jumped on board but that's another entry entirely). The next year I joined the PTA, and in the same year, decided to chair the food committee for Mardi Gras. The next year I became a Girl Scout Leader, and the Cultural Enrichment chair for the PTA, and continued as the Food Committee Chair for Mardi Gras. This year, I remained a Girl Scout Leader, switched to chairing the Fundraising Committee, for the PTA, co-chaired the entire Mardi Gras event, am helping with the 5th grade end of the year events, and am volunteering bi-weekly in Julia's classroom. The point is? While I find all of it to be rewarding, and worth every minute of the time and talent I gave to it, I have been thinking lately that it is time for me to narrow it down to one or two things that I feel most passionate about. I feel like I have been spreading myself too thin, making it so that I am unable to give 110 % to any one thing. It hasn't been easy deciding on one thing because really? I love it all and hate to give any of it up. However, a decision had to be made, and here is what I have come up with. I am going to "run" for PTA president next year. I say run, but more than likely, it will be a uncontested race (generally, when someone volunteers for such things, it usually works out that they are in effect awarded the position, even with the formalities of nominations and an election). I will continue to volunteer in the schools and classrooms as needed or requested, and will continue on a regular basis volunteering in Julia's classroom. I also plan to initiate a PTA Partners In The Community Program, and will co-chair Mardi Gras again. When it came down to deciding, it really became obvious that my passion lies in the education and support of the students in the school environment. This means that I will be giving up my position as a Girl Scout Leader, and in effect re-arranging and perhaps adding more to my responsibilities in the PTA. I really feel like this is where I can offer the most, and is where I can make the most difference.
It's not the clearest of pictures, but you can see that Julia has learned to write her name! YAY! She has been able to spell it verbally for a while (thanks to a song that my sister Heather made up to teach her (J-u-l-i-a, J-u-l-i-a, this is how you spell my name it's J-u-l-i-a, sung to the tune of The Farmer and the Dell). One of the things she practices with the occupational therapist at school is fine motor skills (such as writing, lacing, beading etc). Obviously, she has this one down pat.

Monday, April 7, 2008
Katherine has been to the nurse twice today complaining of blurry vision in her right eye only. She has no obvious signs that could indicate vision impairment (headache, bloodshot eye, eye injury etc). I have no idea what to make of this but, since she wasn't sick really, I told her to go back to class, which she willingly did, and that I would check on her when she got home.
I was thinking it was possible that she had something in her eye that maybe could be bothering her. That happened to Ryun once when he got a small sliver of metal in his eye(working without safety glasses, tsk tsk) but he only knew because the next day, he couldn't stop blinking and was having trouble driving. He went to the ER, who sent him to an eye doctor/surgeon, who removed it, and he was fine. Other than the rapid blinking, he wasn't having vision issues though.
Google indicates all kinds of bad, which I tend to ignore anyway because hello drama, but really, does anyone have any thoughts?
I was thinking it was possible that she had something in her eye that maybe could be bothering her. That happened to Ryun once when he got a small sliver of metal in his eye(working without safety glasses, tsk tsk) but he only knew because the next day, he couldn't stop blinking and was having trouble driving. He went to the ER, who sent him to an eye doctor/surgeon, who removed it, and he was fine. Other than the rapid blinking, he wasn't having vision issues though.
Google indicates all kinds of bad, which I tend to ignore anyway because hello drama, but really, does anyone have any thoughts?
We had quite a busy weekend. Saturday Ryun was working for the morning and helping a friend move for the afternoon. Emily had a film shoot for the Burtwood School and a Girl Scout Harry Potter event. While she was there, Julia, Katherine and I went to visit my sister and nephew in Carver. Ryun picked Emily up from Scouts, and then when he got home, I went out for the night with my sisters and a couple of friends. We came back to my parents, went in the hot tub for a while and I didn't get home until after 1! The next morning, Emily went back to continue the film shoot for a few hours, and the rest of us went to my parents for breakfast. We decided to bring the kids to the new play space in Carver called Boomerangs, which we did, after picking Emily up and dropping Ryun off at home. It was a really fun place for the kids and of course, I took pictures!
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Julia Cuteness
Friday, April 4, 2008
Why Yes, I Am Clueless About Such Things
So, my new computer plays DVD's. I wanted to put my Uncle's retirement video up here (because it's very impressive and well worth sharing) but think I might need some special software to "rip" the files and get them on my computer? Am I right about this? I can play it using Windows Media Player but I can 't seem to find a way to transfer or save the files to my computer.
Anyone know?
Anyone know?
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Why I Love The Country
Your daughter can come running off of the bus screaming, "There's a duck in the yard, there's a duck in the yard!"
Really, after I got a description it appears to have been a flock of wild turkeys (mostly gray with a red chin is what she said, oh, and there were five of them) but in her excitement, she scared the darn things away before I could see them.
Seriously though? I love being in an area where seeing things like wild turkeys, deer, and other random animals are almost commonplace. I could never live in the city. Never.
Really, after I got a description it appears to have been a flock of wild turkeys (mostly gray with a red chin is what she said, oh, and there were five of them) but in her excitement, she scared the darn things away before I could see them.
Seriously though? I love being in an area where seeing things like wild turkeys, deer, and other random animals are almost commonplace. I could never live in the city. Never.
Did I Blog About This Already?
Can't remember. Anyway, for all you 30 somethings (in particular female 30 somethings) out there, I give you this news as one sure-fire way to re-live the "good old days."
Drum roll please.......
New Kids On The Block are reuniting! (See story here).
I am SO going to that concert!
Drum roll please.......
New Kids On The Block are reuniting! (See story here).
I am SO going to that concert!
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
On This Evening's Agenda
-American Idol results show.
-picture posting and printing.
-preparing for tomorrow morning's counseling appointment.
-list additional accommodations I want added to Emily's 504 plan for next year.
-catch up on reading.
-watch recorded tv from earlier today.
-picture posting and printing.
-preparing for tomorrow morning's counseling appointment.
-list additional accommodations I want added to Emily's 504 plan for next year.
-catch up on reading.
-watch recorded tv from earlier today.
Easter Pictures: A Bit Late...
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