-Over the past couple of weeks I have been teaching Julia how to say the word help and use it in context. Well, today, for the first time, she said it without prompting and in the right way. She was laying down on her night night (blanket)and was unable to pull it out from under her head. She looked at me and said "Night night, help." So stinkin' cute.
-She finally says "woof woof" when you ask her what a dog says. She has been saying the word "dog" for quite some time but refused to make the woof woof noise.
-The other day, when getting her food ready to serve here she said, "applesauce." I promptly put away the crackers I was going to give her and gave her what she had asked for. She has said it a couple of times since!
-She recently began putting her "baby doll" in her little crib, putting a blanket on top of her and saying (with her finger appropriately across her lip), "Shhh." Very cute.
-Last week, she woke up and instead of changing her immediately, I set her down on the rug for a minute, to help Emily with something. She looked up at and clear as day said, "bum" (as in change me right now and how dare you interrupt the routine)!
-I think that's it. There could be more that I am forgetting, but hey, there's always the next update!
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