Tuesday, May 9, 2006


This is one reason why I think that the education of our children should be the sole responsibility of the parents. It's also one of the reasons why I think that Governor Romney sucks.

There are straight A students in the Commonwealth that have failed the MCAS and as a result not graduated high school. It's a well known fact that there are people in this world that despite how smart they are or how well they do academically do not test well.

Using the MCAS as a means of assesing possible needs within the school (such as more specific and attainable goals within the English and Math curriculums or even better, test preparation programs for those who don't test well or may need academic assistance) is fine.

Using it as a requirement for graduation?

Wrong. On so many counts.

The fact that the Governor is talking about cutting state aid?

Jesus Christ.

Even with the state aid, most school systems in this state are operating on a bare bones budget. If he is so frickin' concerned about the children passing the test, how likely is that to happen if the money to hire and pay qualified teachers as well as offer aditional support for those who may need it is non-existant?

Not very.

Good God I hope he doesn't run for President.


  1. Romney has already started campaigning, albeit unofficially. That's what several of his stunts have been about, I think. Don't worry, though...he hasn't got a snowball's chance of getting through the Republican primaries, much less winning a general election.

  2. I have to agree with Deb. Romney has really pissed some poeple off with his job as govenor. I really dont think he stands a chance to run for president. LET"S HOPE NOT anyway, well he wont have my vote you have that.

  3. I agree that these tests should NOT decide if a Senior should leave high school with a diploma or a GED. I also think though that when a child fails the MCAS in the 3rd/4th grade that this should be when they address the issue, not right before graduation season. I also agree that this way of thinking will most definitely lead to the highschool drop-out rate to soar.

  4. Romney totally sucks!! He better not get in for President. I am voting for Christy Mihos as he doesn't believe in the MCAS. Ross would even be a better choice as she made a point at the debate that the drop-out rate has increased since the MCAS Test. Ross also doesn't believe in it. Deval and Healy do.
