Thursday, May 18, 2006

Julia Update: The I'm A Devil Version

So, remember when I went to the psychic a while back and she told me that "my youngest daughter was a little firecracker?" No? Well, I do. I also remember thinking that it was the one thing that she (the psychic) was wrong about. At the time, Julia wasn't talking, was barely crawling, and obviously, wasn't walking. She was calm and easy and never did anything that I thought might make me go grey.

Apparently, as psychics are supposed to, she saw something that I just didn't at the time because...OH MY GOD...she is so turning in to quite the little firecracker.

And quite the little spitfire.

And quite the little devil.

And quite the little (any other descriptive word you can fill in that means Julia's getting devilish and Mommy's going crazy)!

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