Tuesday, May 9, 2006


I tried to update earlier, a couple of times actually, but blogger was apparently down.

Very annoying.

Anyway, I'm here now.

After I got up this morning and got the kids of to school, I sat down and organized my newly acquired office space (now that the kids' arts and crafts things are upstairs). Ryun picked me up a cheapo desk at Walmart (a very basic thing which is all I needed/wanted). He assembled it last night, but I was too tired and went to bed before setting anything up on or in it. I got some done this morning, before heading off to babysit Nate and Jackie so that Kelly could go to her appointment.

I was at Kelly's for a couple of hours (until just after 1:30) and since I had to go get Katherine at 2:30-2:45 so that we could go get Emily and get them to their musical theatre class, I just drove back home, checked the mail and went back "up north" afterward.

I am heading out to a Creative Memories informational night with Kelly tonight and then I will be back to watch AI.

I am looking forward to Elvis night...should be very good.

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