Sunday, May 14, 2006

Mother's Day

It went well. My parents and sister came over this morning for brunch (I made this delicious Sausage and Egg Casserole recipe that I got from my mother, blueberry muffins, bacon, fruit and fruit dip, and english muffins). After brunch, my mother and I went out for the after noon and she helped me pick out an outfit for a party we have over the weekend. It was a little fancier than I thought I was going to get but, it looks good so that's all that matters. I came home, read/took a nap for a couple of hours, and then Ryun ordered dinner for us all (making it so he didn't have to cook and neither did I!). After dinner, I hung with the kids for a while (they were being very silly and playful which is always a good thing). All kids are in bed now (well except Ryun...LOL) and I am here listening to my playlist, updating, and working on a scrapping project.

It was a nice and relaxing day which was great!

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