Tuesday, November 6, 2007

The Catch All Health Update

In descending age order we have:

Ryun: officially diagnosed with Stage 1 hypertenstion this evening (more on that later).

Sharon: has an on and off again tooth ache.

Emily: with her blood drawn for her med levels today, started asking questions about the fairness of it all (more on that later too).

Katherine: had an appointment with the urologist today to try and figure out the bed wetting thing and he thinks if she poops she'll be fine (um, ok and again, more on that later). Oh, and the cough that just won't fucking quit . GO AWAY!

Julia: appears to be getting the cold that Katherine is maybe, actually, possibly going to get over at some point, and that Emily has just gotten over.

This all really begs for a much longer and more detailed entry which will happen at some point, so stay tuned!

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