Friday, November 16, 2007

Parent/Teacher Conferences

Emily: Ditto from every other year. She's doing well academically, she's cooperative and a sweet girl, but she's disorganized, has trouble listening and staying on task, and her writing/thoughts are disorganized. So basically, the usual and to be honest, at least this year, I am not all that concerned. If she's doing well academically, then that's my main concern. Next year she goes to middle school, which will involve switching classes, and a whole new level of responsibility, which I think could have the potential to affect her academics. I will worry about that when it comes.

Katherine: on grade level with math, science, and history. Her reading and writing are improving, but still slightly below grade level. Her reading level coming in to second grade was 12 (most kids are about an 18) and as of right now, just two months or so in, she is at a 14-16. She will be getting a one on one tutor in the classroom on Fridays through the Title I program. Her teacher said she can be chatty, but that she is very cooperative, raises her hand and gets along well with others.

So, that about does it. Julia's PT conference was during her Special Ed meeting the other day, the details of which were posted over at Adventures in Education.

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