Friday, November 16, 2007

Down For The Count

Talk about a KO. I have never, ever in my entire life felt as sick as I have since Tuesday night. Today is the first day that I feel mildly functional.

Being a sick person and being a sick Mom/housewife are two totally different things, BTW. Life doesn't stop, like it does when you are a kid. I had to go to a parent teacher conference sick, bring the kids to their Jungle Gym class sick, and bring Katherine to Girl Scouts sick. I even had to food shop sick, which was a task in and of itself as I wasn't quite sure how I was going to actually walk up and down the aisles without passing out. Thank God I had the carriage to lean on. Seriously, it was that bad. I have felt weak, at times dizzy, occasionally sick to my stomach, achy and feverish over the past few days. To be perfectly honest, I am not even sure I should have been driving. I could have asked Ryun to help out of course, but he was sick too. He actually stayed home from work yesterday which is not like him at all. He didn't seem to get it quite as bad as I did, but he is the type of person that even just a little sick, is grumpy and uncooperative.

Today seems to be a bit better, although I still have a fever (only 100.9 as compared to the 102.5 the other day) and the body aches. Miraculously, it seems as though the kids have escaped the worst of it, although they all still have the coughs that won't quit. Julia's cough seems to be productive at least, but Emily and Katherine have these dry, hacking coughs that at times can sound like they are choking. It's a little alarming, especially considering Katherine's has lasted for well over a month, but, they don't seem to have any other symptoms of illness. Still, if it doesn't call it quits soon, I may have to bring them to the doctor.

In an apocalyptic, end of the world type of thing, my sister, my mother, Ryun and I all seemed to come down with this within days of each other, starting off with Heather, and ending with Ryun. We were all together over the weekend at Jack's birthday party and again that night at Edaville. We have determined, based on the fact that no one else from Jack's party is sick, that we must have picked it up somewhere at Edaville. I found it strange that we all got it so quickly,within the space of a day of each other, and that the kids (so far) haven't gotten it, that I was have expecting to see a news article that said something like this, "Adults Visiting Edaville Sickened, Cause Being Investigated."

Anyway, I have an unprecedented amount of laundry and housework to catch up on. My house is so trashed I would actually be humiliated if someone was to see it (and that's saying something). I am going to take it easy though, doing a little at a time. I feel better, but not 100 % and don't want to wear myself out.

1 comment:

  1. Sharon, that is how I felt when I had the flu in Feb. I went to the emergency room and they did a nose test on me to determine it was the flu. Nothing I took made me feel just had to run its course.
    Be careful, do not do too much! You don't want to wear yourself out, and then gte sick all over again.
    I hope you all feel better soon!
