Monday, September 3, 2007

Game Day

I can't believe that I forgot to mention that Emily won Red Sox tickets! Every year, during the last week of school, Jason Varitek sponsors the Reading Matters contest. Students pledge to read nine books (one for each position on the baseball field) over the summer. A postcard is mailed back in and a drawing is held for various prizes. Emily won two tickets, right behind the Red Sox bullpen for yesterday's game. She took Ryun (of course!) and they had fun. He took her early so they could go out to breakfast and see the "sights" on Yawkey Way. They had their picture taken by a Red Sox Fan Foto Staffer, which you can find here (select yesterday's game, Sunday, September 2, and gallery 1). For those who don't know us in "real life" their picture is number 30.

We found out last week during our many visits to the school that her 4th grade teacher won tickets too, just because it was her student who participated in the contest. Her teacher sat in the row right behind Emily.

Ryun and Emily had a great "father/daughter day!

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