Thursday, September 6, 2007


School is back in session which means that this blog will be updated again, more regularly than it was over the summer.

Emily and Katherine seem to have gotten off to a good start. It hasn't seemed too difficult to get back in to the school "frame of mind" for them or myself. I started them going to bed at their "school year" bedtimes (7:30 ish for Katherine and 8:30 for Emily) late last week. Typing that reminds me that I never posted my "Your Ideas For A Smooth School Transition" entry that I post every year, asking y'all for your tried and true ideas for the best morning routines, hassle free home work time, quick lunch ideas, and any other secrets related to a smooth school year that you want to share. So, lets consider this entry just that. Have at it.

I'll tell you a couple of things I have decided to do this year. The first one is that I have been getting the kids up one half hour earlier than I did last year. This means I have been getting myself up earlier as I need that "me" time first thing in the morning. So I have been up between 5:30-6 and they have been up at 6:15. The bus comes at 7:50 so the extra half hour just cures the "rush-rush" problem, and usually gives them some free time before they leave to watch tv, play or whatever.

I have also decided that until they are fully ready and have nothing left to do aside from grab their bag and walk out the door, the tv stays off. I noticed last year and in years past takes them a lot longer to get ready when it is on, and it's just one more distraction that they don't need.

The biggest thing I have done is introduce a "Charts and Reward System." They both have a chore chart, as well as a morning and evening chart. The morning and evening charts are the same (make bed, get dressed, eat breakfast, brush teeth, comb hair for the morning chart and shower, do homework, lay out clothes for the next day, pack school bag, brush teeth for the evening chart). The chore charts are different. Katherine is responsible for putting a new bag in when Ryun empties the trash, setting the table, cleaning her room, helping to clean the toys in the living room, being a good "parent helper (basically, helping out when asked) and being happy (which encompasses of course just being happy and being polite and nice to her family). Emily's responsibilities include, being a parent helper, being happy, clearing the table, cleaning her room, helping clean the living room, and helping out with laundry when asked. The reward part of the thing is that if they get the majority of their stars during a one week period on the morning, evening and chore charts, they get to pick out a new book (which I have stock piled recently after going to Borders Bargain books area and Job Lot). If they get all of their stars on all charts, all week, they get $5. I have hung a bulletin board in the hallway with their charts on it. So far, they seem to be pretty impressed with the whole idea. Lets hope it lasts.

I sound so insanely organized that even I am saying, "Oh God, she's one of people. You know the ones who have it all together to the point that one could almost be envious? But, lets face it. This is way beyond what I, under normal circumstances, would be doing. Using me and the word organized together is almost joke-like. I seem to have gotten a little better with age and after having children, but still, at the core, I am about the least organized person there could be. The main reason I am doing all this? It's for Emily, who desperately needs the structure. I figure Katherine can't be hurt by it either. It's all about keeping the peace.

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