Thursday, January 4, 2007

Weird And Good Things That Happen When You Decide To Eat Healthy And Exercise

So you know, I have started diets a million times without success. I have either ate well and not exercised, exercised and ate like crap, or just altogether quit before having given the diet a chance to work. I have never, on any of those occasions gone at it as hardcore as I have this time. I realize that it has only been a few days, but I haven't even thought about cheating, or quiting for that matter. This is a record for me. That's kind of pathetic really but you can't change the past and all that. Besides, I am really proud of myself which is way overshadowing the guilt of past mistakes.

Anyway, I am happy (literally) to say that "those people" that say eating right and exercise will make you feel better just by doing it are right! I have lost 4 lbs so far but I honestly feel physically, emotionally, and just all around better, as if I have lost 40. I haven't been following a really specific plan. I have way increased my vegetable and fruit intake to the 4-6 servings recommended by the Biggest Loser Gurus and have been drinking more (though still not enough, but I am getting there) water. I have been eating breakfast everyday (which is a totally new thing for me...I used to eat it every once in a while but that was about it) and eating lunch which has usually consisted of some kind of sliced fruit or veggie and piece of toasted Ezekiel bread with peanut butter on it. Water has been the drink of choice, except for at breakfast in which I drink a cup of juice. Yesterday, as mentioned earlier, I even made an omelet with egg beaters. Egg beaters, ok people?

The only thing I haven't given up and don't plan to, like ever? My large extra extra coffee from Dunky's. A mom of three couldn't possibly live without this, could she? Besides, I don't have it everyday...only on the days in which I need to leave the house. Admittedly, this is usually at least once a day everyday but hey, I deserve at least one splurge and I figure if I am doing everything else right, I am doing ok.

The only complaint I have about the whole thing really? My sleep has gone to hell. I wake up for brief periods of time all night long. Falling back asleep hasn't been an issue which is good and even better? I don't seem to be feeling the effects of the interrupted sleep during the day. In fact, I feel somewhat less tired than I usually do. I don't see how the dieting and sleep loss could be connected but it seems awful strange to me that they would coincide.


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