Sunday, January 21, 2007


Every summer, the The Burtwood School Of Performing Arts sponsors the Summer Arts Festival. The program runs for just 4 weeks from July-August. They rehearse, construct the scenery and get the costumes together in this short time period and usually during the first week of August put on this amazing show that seriously ends up looking like it should be on Broadway.

Emily has considered auditioning in the past. The cost was high and the commitment was huge (5 days a week for 4 weeks, 8:30-12:30 everyday) and she never seemed interested enough to make it worth it. She was also a little young I thought, to be so intensely involved with something.

Anyway, she had asked about it back in October and I told her we would have to think about it, and that we should wait until the show was announced before any decisions were made. The announcement was made last week.

The musical the staff has chosen for this summer's festival?

High School Musical...Emily's all-time favorite DCOM (Disney Channel Original Movie) ever (mine too, not that it has any relevance here). Upon hearing this fantastic news Emily said, "I am so auditioning for that." She then proceeded to sound quite teenager-like when she asked, "So practice would be everyday from 8:30-12:30? Ok so we can still hit the beach after that, right?"

Yup. We are so in for it. If she's saying things like this at the age of 9, I don't even want to imagine what might be coming out of her mouth at the age of 15!

YAY though for High School Musical!

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