Thursday, January 25, 2007


I am happy to report that I will be attending the Visions Of Community Conference sponsored by the Federation For Children With Special Needs again this year. I found last years conference VERY informative.

I have chosen the following three workshops for this year:

Executive Functioning Strategies For Use At Home And School: A discussion of how executive function skills impact the day to day life, social and academic activities of students. Strategies will be provided to assist parents and educators to increase the independence with which a student can: initiate tasks, self regulate, and organize information and materials.

Differentiated Instruction: What Is It And What's It Got To Do With Special Education: Differentiated Instruction involves a variety of strategies designed to maximize each student's individual success within a given classroom. The presentation will provide an overview of Differentiated Instruction and explores how it relates to and supports special education.

No Child Left Behind: What's In It For Families: The workshop covers the major portions of this significant federal education law, such as the school report cards, school choice, and supplemental Education Services. Parents learn how to use the information about the law and school data to ask questions, advocate for additional support, and generally get more involved with their child's school.

I am realy looking forward to it!

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