Thursday, January 4, 2007


Katherine came home this week with her first official "spelling list." She also went to her Girl Scout meeting and came home with her Girl Scout Cookie Order Form, which has absolutely nothing to do with the spelling list. The point is, she's growing up.

Anyway, the spelling list is 10 words long, all words beginning with "a." Now I know part of spelling is memorization but it seems like in order to spell them, you should be able to sound them out and read the word as well. Katherine is having major trouble in that area. She can make each letter sound in the word but can't blend the sounds together to actually form the word. I am not sure if this is normal for her age (4 months in to 1st grade) . She knows most of her sight words which really was memorization.

I can't remember Emily ever having trouble with this. I remember just asking her to spell a word and, well, she just did it. She really isn't a good example of the way it should be as she always seemed ahead of the game with reading and spelling.

I am planning on checking with her teacher as well. I also need to check up on what ever happened with her speech eval, as I never go the final word.

So I am asking all of you, especially anyone who has kids that are at reading age level or beyond, should I be concerned?


  1. i hav a feeling what you mean, chat tomorrow, it sounds to me like it's ok. but explain tomorrow.

  2. Isn't learning to sound out words something they teach in first grade? Or polish up, anyway? She sounds like a normal kid to me, as opposed to those of use who could read like fourth grade in first. I might expect an Ellis kid to be closer to the latter than the former, but I'd not consider it abnormal.
