Saturday, January 13, 2007

Katherine: the first spelling test

She got 5 out of 10 right...which was actually better than I thought she was going to do. After many frustrating nights of trying to get her to spell them out loud, during the last couple of nights I had her write them down as she was sounding them out and that method seemed to work out a little better for her. One thing that became very apparent when doing this is that she is a phonetic speller. She spells it as it sounds, which, we all know, isn't always the way it is. I am going to continue with the "writing it down" method with this weeks list and see how that goes.

In my quest to find some help for her (outside of what I can do) I decided to visit the Middleborough Public Schools website to see if there were any helpful hints and or websites there that may be of use. I found this. I decided to try it out and play some of the games to see if I liked it. While I was doing that Katherine walked in and said, "Hey this is the site we go do when we do computer lab at school!" I will definitely be able to reinforce what 's going on at school using some of the same tools her teacher uses so this will be great.

Overall, I am not too worried about it. I think with practice and help at home, she will catch on and be doing fine.

1 comment:

  1. Starfall is a FANTASTIC website.

    For Meg until she got used to the whole spelling thing, i would take and index card write the word and cut it up. I would spread out the letters letters and if the word was made she'd take the M, A, D, E and put it together like a puzzle. She loved that. We did that all of 1st grade. NOW when she gets her words i type up on computer with a line next to it so she can copy.

    I try to get her to say the word and spell each letter M A D E either outloud or in her head. So MON-THURS we write down the words and thurs nite she either says them aloud or will do a mock test and whatever words she gets wrong we write 3 tiems. r depending on how many words she has i make her write them 3 times at least one day.

    Those are just some suggestions, if this is confusing i can explain again.

    It's Tracey, i am having problems signing in.
