Sunday, January 7, 2007

The Alphabet

I saw this hanging in the waiting room while Emily was having her last round of neuro-psych testing last week. I loved it and wanted to share it with you all...

"Children Are"

Amazing. Acknowledge them.
Believable. Trust them
Childlike. Allow them.
Divine. Honor them.
Energetic. Nourish them.
Fallible. Embrace them.
Gifts. Treasure them.
Here now. Be with them.
Innocent. Delight with them.
Joyful. Appreciate them.
Kindhearted. Leanr from them.
Loveable. Treasure them.
Magical. Fly with them.
Noble. Esteem them.
Openminded. Respect them.
Precious. Value them.
Questioners. Encourage them.
Resourceful. Support them.
Spontaneous, Enjoy them.
Talented. Believe in them.
Unique. Affirm them.
Vulnerable. Protect them.
Whole. Recognize them.
Xtra special. Celebrate them.
Yearning. Notice them.
Zany. Laugh with them.

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