Tuesday, October 30, 2007

IEP Review/Determination

Julia's will be coming up any day now. The teachers and special service providers (OT, PT and Speech Pathologist) had until October 23rd to complete their evaluations. I am assuming I will get the meeting date in the mail this week or next.

As happy as I am of course, that she is making huge amounts of progress in all areas (most especially speech), I really, really hope she is still eligible. Preschool has done wonderful things for Julia. The social aspect of the whole thing alone has been fantastic for her, and believe me, with parents like Ryun and I, it's amazing to me that we have any kids at all that enjoy being social (hello Emily). Ryun would always prefer to be alone and me? I am sure I have some form of social anxiety disorder...more on that in another entry at the personal blog.

I will update here when the decision has been made.

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