Thursday, October 25, 2007

Being A Parent Volunteer

A couple of weeks ago, I was asked to speak at the volunteer meetings being held at the MECC. I did so eagerly, even if I was asked the first time 5 minutes before the meeting started. I am a fairly confident speaker and how could I possibly be nervous speaking about one of my favorite things in the world?

I did well, at least from my perspective. Talking about being a parent volunteer, my love of the Middleboro School System, and being an active member of the PTA, even off the cuff, is something I never have trouble with.

I focussed mostly on what it meant to me personally, but also pointed out what a positive effect I think it has on the kids. I also discussed how being a parent volunteer keeps you "in the know." I love feeling like I have an inside track on what is going on.

I am always happy to speak on what it means to be a part of the Middleboro Schools family, even if I feel that words can't always adequately describe.

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