When you have 2 kids who from all accounts (professional, medical, observational and otherwise) thrive on structure and routines, when you yourself are about as unstructured and "non-routine" as it gets.
How the heck am I supposed to expect routine and structure from them, when I can't even force routine and structure on myself, no matter how appealing and beneficial it seems like it could be for all involved?
I don't think I ever gave a thought to how much I would have to change (beyond the expected changes that come with taking care of and loving another human being) as a result of being a parent.
It's a vicious circle isn't it? Beyond that though? It lends credence to the fact that some things, even as obscure as structure and routine (or lack there of) can be conditioned and learned, as much as it's possible that the skills and traits needed to be structured or "routined" can be part of ones genetic makeup.
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