Monday, June 2, 2008

So Much To Say, So Little Time

So what do you get when that happens? An entry that sums up an entire couple of weeks in two words.

Very busy.

Ok, Ok, I'll elaborate.

Let's start with the dream I had last night. It entailed a visit to the dentist in which my teeth were basically rotting out of my head. Nice, huh? Anyway, when discussing the options with the doctor, he said the best option would be to just give me something for the pain, and let them continue to decay, until they fell out. Dreams about teeth never mean anything good (trust me I have looked it up) but in this case, I am hoping that the dream was just a little reflection of anxiety about the dentist appointment I have coming up next week. Because otherwise? I am doomed.

I posted pictures of the trip to Vermont, but I didn't elaborate any further than that. It was all that I expected it to be and more. I am still in awe of the scenery. I am still in awe of the atmosphere at the Lodge. The people were just so...nice. We had all but one of our meals on the property. The food was delicious. On Saturday, we took a two mile walk on one of the trails through the woods. Aside from being exceptionally hot, it was probably the most beautiful part of the trip. On Saturday morning I got up at 5:30 to watch the sun rise over the mountains. I don't think I ever ever felt as at peace as I did in that time. At one point on Sunday, one of the bellhops asked us if we were enjoying our stay and I said that we were, but that I was sad that it was ending. He said, "It stays with you though." I couldn't have said it better myself.

It has been, and will continue to be a busy month. Just the this week alone is going to be crazy. Today, I remembered at the last minute that Katherine was going to the book fair at 2. It was noon when it occurred to me so I had plenty of time to get Julia and I ready and out the door. I love that they allow parents (allow and even encourage) to come to the book fair to help their child select a book (or in Katherine's case, three books). It's just one of many ways that I feel Middleboro encourages parent involvement. While there, I realized that Julia practically has celebrity status in Emily's classroom, as her class was walking by and almost every student (and the teacher) said smething like, "is that Julia?" or "Hi Julia." It was pretty funny but Julia had no idea what to make of it. We ran a few quick errands before we went back home. After the kids got off of the bus, they played in the yard for a while and then I brought Emily to voice. Ryun will be heading out for poker in a little while. Tomorrow I am volunteering at the Goode School to help assemble the take home book bags all of the kids get over the summer. Wednesday morning I will be at the MECC helping out with Earth Day activities. Wednesday night is Principal's Pride Night at HBB, as well as Family Night at the Book Fair(also at HBB), at which I will be working. Thursday is the 5th Grade Field Day and I will be there for a couple of hours in the morning while Julia is at school. Friday is the Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast at MKG, as well as the Student Of The Month Lunch, which I will be attending with Katherine who was chosen for that honor for the month of May. Friday night I am supposed to be going to a Crop (scrap booking) for the night (I am undecided on this right now but I always have so much fun when I go so I probably will). Saturday I am jumping head first into this "I really should sell my pictures" thing by setting up a table at a Bluegrass Festival in Carver. I am excited and nervous at the same time about this but unless I take the plunge, I will never know, right? I have a good selection of matted 8x10 photos and am making note cards with two of my favorite pictures (which I will sell in groups of 5 ). I am also going to sell coasters I had made a while back with my favorite ever beach picture on them. I am going to try, to fit in between all of the stuff going on to put together an album of some of my work.

Next week? Doesn't look to be any less busy with a graduation party, 4 doctors appointments for various members of the family, a PTA meeting, volunteering in Julia's classroom, a field trip with Julia's class, two concerts (Emily is in her school chorus concert, and her end of the year Burtwood School recital), a Girl Scout Meeting, and a yard sale at the end of the week.

It's all good, and I love volunteering, and I am glad the kids are involved in their various activities, but, I am not going to lie. I can not wait for it to be over and for summer to begin.

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