Saturday, June 7, 2008

Lessons Learned From Today's Festival... which I set up a table of my photographs to sell.

In list form because, dude, I am tired.

1. It's hot sitting in 90+ degree weather for hours on end.

2. Note cards are a HUGELY popular item. I need to remember this for the future. I sold out of those today. (I made 20 total, 2 different pictures, grouped in 5's and sold them for $5.50).

3. Coasters are popular too. I need to look in to buying them in bulk though because even though I sold them today, I really didn't make much money off of them. I sold them "cheaper" than I should have.

4. I really do have talent! YAY! It has been officially confirmed by people who aren't members of the family, aren't friends, and don't know me in any way.

5. Even though I didn't make my table fee back, I am very pleased to have sold anything at all. This was the first time I have ever done anything like this, and it was a HUGE boost of confidence to have people both admire and purchase some of my work.

6. Bluegrass Music? I am totally hooked. I don't think my foot stopped tapping to the beat all day!

7. Sitting in the sun, even despite it being hot, listening to the music and just taking in the sights and sounds around me was a very enjoyable way to spend an afternoon.

8. Heading over to my parents house for a swim and dinner, was a very enjoyable way to spend the early part of the evening.

9. Emily is funny. Actually, I already knew that but it was reinforced today when on the way to the festival she asked, "Can I share in the profit?" (This after I told her in advance that I was there to make money, not spend it, which translates in to "Don't ask me for everything you see there because I am not going to buy it").

10. Preparing for one of these vendor fair type things takes A LOT of work. It was well worth it for me in this case though, and I would gladly do it again.

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