Monday, June 30, 2008

Busy Weekend=No Blogging

Busy for sure, but fun nonetheless. On Friday afternoon, we went over to my parents to swim with Jack and Suzanne. It was fun, and as usual, Jack and Julia were so cute together. We came home Friday night and, I stayed up way too late watching recorded tv.

On Saturday we had a birthday party to go to which was nice, although I did have to spend the first 45 minutes or so following Julia around because she refused to go play with the other kids by herself. She warmed up though after a while and was fine. We ended up being invited back to my parents to swim for a couple of hours after the party. It would have been a waste to go all the way home to get suits though, so I told the kids they could swim in their clothes. I might have earned the "coolest mom ever" award, but I can't be sure. It was all good, until we got there, and Julia refused to go in the pool without me. Thankfully, my sister Heather had two suits with her, so I borrowed one and Julia went in. She let me hold her in the water for a few minutes, but then retreated to her usual spot on the stairs and that was that.

Somewhere, between Saturday and Sunday (when we went back to the pool for the day) Julia decided that not only would she let me hold her in the water, but that she would swim by herself all over the shallow end and what the heck, jump off of the side without anyone catching her. It was like a switch in her head flipped, and she suddenly gained the confidence to know that not only could she do it, but that we would all be "right there" if she needed anything. You could tell how physically hard it was for her, but she kept right on going, pausing only to snack and go to the bathroom. It's hard to put in to words how proud I was of her. I will be anxious to see how she does when we go to a pool party on the 4th, not at my parents house and with people there that she knows only vaguely or not at all.

I am not sure what will be going on for week. Tomorrow is my turn to water the garden in the outdoor classroom at the Goode School and I think after that we will run errands. Beyond that? I don't know. But hey, it's summer? We don't need to have a plan now, do we?

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