Wednesday, June 11, 2008

End Of The Year Teacher Gifts

Every year, I try to come up with (or copy someone else's!) creative ideas for teacher gifts. Last year, we made little books titled, "What I Learned In Mrs.______Class." The year before that, I complied a list of summer-type recipes, and made each teacher a scrapbook-style recipe book. This year, I have three teachers, one teacher's aide, a Title I Reading Teacher, and three specialists (OT, PT and Speech Pathologist) to buy for. Obviously, due to the sheer number of people, money will be a factor in my decision. I have a couple ideas in mind.

For the classroom teachers, I was thinking of putting together a bag of school supplies for the classroom next year. With budget cuts and even without, more and more teachers are having to pay out of their own pocket for things such as pencils, crayons, glue etc. At least this seems like a useful gift, and not something that will sit on a shelf and collect dust.

Another thought I had was making fortune cookies, an idea I found here.. I could buy the cookies, and dip them in chocolate, dip them in to some sprinkles, and put them in Chinese food takeout containers that I could get inexpensively enough at Michael's.

I am still thinking about what I could get for the Title I teacher. I was thinking a gift card to Borders maybe, since I am assuming someone that teaches reading would like to read?

I am also trying to come up with a creative idea for the OT, PT, and SP.

Any thoughts or ideas you would like to share?

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