Sunday, June 3, 2007


Not that this is a surprise, but the override didn't pass (not just the school portion but all five of the menu options). I think I remember hearing somewhere that Middleboro has something like 13,000 registered voters. If I am right about that, we had a 25 % turn out (or so) which is probably considered to be high. If you ask me though, it's still pathetic. I was saying to one of my fellow sign holders this type of election isn't one that generally people would have no feeling on. It's not like it was a town election in which you could say, "Oh I don't like anyone that is running so I am not going to vote." This election has a direct effect on your finances. Every registered voter should have taken part. That's just my humble opinion.

Anyway, it's depressing. It's also scary to imagine how different things are going to be at the school next year. There is one thing that I know for sure though. No matter what happens at tomorrow night's continuation of the town meeting regarding the budget, Middleboro kids shouldn't suffer as a result of the mistakes of the adults that are supposed to be protecting and making positive decisions for them. It's just not right.

I was talking to another mom who was working on the override at the PTA meeting last month, as well as the principal at the kindergarten. We were all horrified by what could happen next year. The principal pointed out something though that again, and despite all that seems to be going on in town right now, made me realize how much I love Middleboro. This is what she said.

"We are lucky to have such a core group of parents who will step up and do the best they can to fill in the gaps."

She's right. Maybe we can't replace that math teacher who is now out of a job but we can set up a rotating schedule of parent volunteers to go in to staff the library. We can donate supplies to the classroom and the school. There's a lot we can do. It won't be enough, but, it will be something.


  1. did u know about islam ?

    islam is the religious of god (allah) .

    no god except allah .
    muhammad is massenger of allah .

    go to

  2. I assumed I had the date wrong and hadn't looked it up yet. It never even occurred to me that they might really hold an election on a Saturday.

    I swear sometimes I feel like I'll never get used to living in Mass...
