Friday, June 15, 2007


I have been doing a lot of that lately. The age old question, "What do I want to do with the rest of my life?" keeps coming up, regrettably with no definite answer.

I have a few ideas (working with children in some way, some sort of public relations type of thing, professional photography even) but when it comes down to the actual "making a decision and pursuing it", the true Libra in me shines right through. I have never been able to make decisions easily. Whatever I decide, it has to be something I really, really like. This makes sense obviously, but what I mean by that is if I am not in love with it, I won't stick to it. It's just the way I am.

It's not like I have to decide right this very minute or anything, but logically speaking, if I was to go back to school and finish my degree, now would be the time to do it. That way, by the time Julia is in school full-time, I could potentially be done (or close to it anyway) and then fined a job in my chosen field.

I am leaning towards pursuing the public relations thing. Some of the classes at Bridgewater State look interesting. The major would actually be in Communication Studies, with the minor in Public Relations. It's funny to even think of me doing such a thing, because seriously, as well as I do with the whole public relations thing already, I still get nervous about it. I think though, that with all of my volunteer work coming in to play over the past couple of years, my confidence level has really gone up and probably will continue to do so.

Speaking of all of the volunteer stuff, going back to school would definitely mean cutting back a little. There is just no way I can...

...lead Girl Scouts. an active member of the PTA.

...chair the PTA Fundraising Committee. the Yes 4 Middleboro Schools Website and Committee (which, although on hiatus for now will be back full-force come the fall, as the $ for FY09 doesn't sound any more promising).

...start the local chapter of STAND that I really want to start.

...assign all the classes for the SHARP Summer Enrichment Program. a Mom of three active children (not that it is a volunteer job, but, obviously, it takes some time) the lia sophia business.

...and go to school.

Contrary to what you may have heard, I am not superwoman!

So, I really need to think about this. A lot. I have a little time I suppose (I would only register for a class at a time so I think I could do that over the summer and be fine for the fall, but I need to check all of that out and see).

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