Wednesday, June 6, 2007


I am looking for your best ideas for end of the year teacher gifts. I was thinking it could be kind of fun to make them something. One idea I came up with (literally as I was typing) was to use these mini photo albums I have (wallets size photos are the only size that would fit) to make a "What I Learned In Mrs_______'s Class This Year." It could be anything from, "I learned how to be polite and respect myself and others" to I learned that 2+7=9." I would obviously have the kids come up with their own thoughts regarding what they learned and then print them out (or even better have them write the ideas themselves), cut them down to size, and put them in the book. I am not sure if the idea is a little "too young" for Emily, but it definitely seems like a good one for Katherine.

What do you think?

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