Friday, June 29, 2007

Casino Update

It turns out, that despite the selectmen's best efforts to negotiate the deal the the Wampanoags without giving the people a chance to speak, the people of Middleboro will finally have their voice heard. According to town counsel, the deal can not be signed with out Town Meeting approval.

In reflecting on this whole situation, I think what bothers me most about having the casino come to town is not even the casino it self. It was the power hungry people who somehow got it in their heads that it was ok to negotiate a deal that no matter how you look at it, will affect each and every member of this town, without hearing what the town thought. It was the fact that they sold the land to the Wampanoags, knowing full well what the intentions of the tribe were, and did it without consulting the town.

The real bottom line? It pisses me off when people in charge take advantage of their so called power. How can you consider yourself a representative of the people, and then go ahead and make major decisions without the townspeople's consent?

Yes, I still have some serious reservations (no pun intended) regarding whether Middleboro is the right place for a casino. I still have concerns regarding how, with a multi-million dollar resort in town, the rural country character of the community will be preserved. I also recognize that change is inevitable. There can't be economic growth with out change.

Another Insightful Emily Moment

"Mom, is this attitude problem I have had lately part of my growing up?"

My answer for those who may be curious, was that yes, it is to a degree (hormones are a wonderful thing aren't they?) but that she also should be able to exert some control over it, as she matures.

It;s good though that she at least recognizes that she has an attitude. Knowing is half the battle, right?

I Believe... grassroots democracy. Everyone deserves a say in the decisions that will affect their lives. social justice and equal opportunity. Everyone should have the rights to benefit equally from society's resources and the environment.

...that same sex marriage should be legal. The choice is personal, and should not be decided by any one else. the right to choose. Similar to same sex marriage, the choice to have an abortion or not should be decided by the people involved (the mother and the father)and no one else.

...federally funded stem cell research. The possibilities with stem cell research seem endless, and to not fund this type of research, that could potentially save millions of lives seems wrong.

...a free market economy. The only people making rules about how businesses are run and how things are priced should be the people who own the business in question.

...unions. I have been a "member" of one for my entire life and honestly, can't say anything bad about them. I feel for those who lose work because a union company gets the job, but that's about it.

...that if the federal government has the power to hold the schools accountable for certain standards, then the federal government should adequately fund the Department Of Education. Individual states and towns should follow suit. What I really believe though, is that the federal government should but the heck out of the whole thing all together. That doesn't seem to be a likely scenario though, so they should at least back up their rules and regulations with the money to enforce them.

...individual rights should be maximized, with little to no government involvement.

The quiz I posted the other day inspired me to write this. After careful consideration of how I really felt, I have decided that the quiz results seem invalid. It certainly appears by this belief statement that I am in favor of much "less government" than a socialist society would have. Any kind of a centralized government setting seems inherently wrong, on many levels.

Some of these beliefs seem to contradict each other a bit (for example the free market economy and the pro union beliefs). Sometimes, things just aren't black and white, I guess.

Based on this belief statement, I would say that my choice to register as an independent (unaffiliated or whatever it is called now) was a good one. I don't think I can honestly define myself as being a member of one party or another. When it comes to voting, I have always voted for whoever I liked any way, not ever taking in to consideration which party they associated themselves with. My line of thinking has always been, if I like what you stand for, you get my vote. It's a fairly simple thing, it seems.

The question though, still remains, what am I? Republican? Democrat? Libertarian? Green Party? Socialist? Capitalist? Anything else?

What do you think?

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Emily Discovers Her Philosophical Side

Me (thinking out loud): "How does the kitchen get so messy? I don't understand."

Emily: "There are a lot of things in life Mom, that people just don't understand."

She is so insightful sometimes at the ripe old age of 10, that it's scary.


Yup, pretty much!

You Are 32% Capitalist, 68% Socialist

You tend to be quite wary of businesses, especially big business.
While you know that corporations have their place, you tend to support small, locally owned shops.
As far as the rich go, you think they're usually corrupt and immoral.

via Jay.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Weekend in Review

When I don't update all weekend, it usually means that we were busy. This weekend was no exception!

Friday afternoon I met John so that he could take Emily out to dinner and then to Suzanne's. Emily spent the weekend with Suzanne and the day at Six Flags New England on Saturday. Not surprisingly, she went on a roller coaster that went upside downby herself. All I can say is I am glad I wasn't there because I probably would have died watching her. On Friday night, Kelly and I went down to Warwick, RI to see the pictures Tracey had entered in to the photography open at the Warwick Arts Museum. Her pictures were amazing! After an amazing ride around Warwick which involved a big circle around town, we ended up at the Providence Place Mall and the Cheesecake Factory. It was a nice, impromptu night out with the girls, which, I think we all needed!

Saturday came and Ryun, Katherine, Julia and I went over to family friends' birthday party. The had a blow up water slide thing that the girls had fun on. Julia was a little overwhelmed with all of the big kids acting crazy on it but there were other things she could use so she was all set. Katherine somehow managed to get the wind knocked out of her. She ran over to me and said in a voice that sounded like it had no "air" in it, "I don't feel good" and promptly collapsed on the ground. It was a little scary for a minute but she managed to get up, sit in a chair and have a drink and was fine. She keeps complaining now though, when she sits really hard or does anything that involves running, that she feels like she is going to throw a passing wave of nausea or something. It's a little weird I think so, I will keep an eye on it and see what happens. On Saturday night, Katherine, Julia and I went to Heather's apartment and spent the night at her place. We went to the bonfire in Hanover first which was an awesome thing to watch. Julia and Katherine were appropriately impressed.

We met Suzanne and Emily in Weymouth for breakfast and then spent the afternoon at my parents house in the pool/hot tub.

All in all, it was a great weekend!

Friday, June 22, 2007

Pictures Of The Girls

A cute smile from Julia!

Julia demonstrates her "mad" face!

Julia loves to be splashed in the pool, which I think is evident in this picture!

Emily and Katherine all dressed up for Flag Day!

Thursday, June 21, 2007

The Fairness Of It All

I have been trying like hell to upload the video my father took of Emily at her recital this weekend but You Tube is being bitchy, so I am going to post about something else.

I was just talking to my mother who told me that she has to go back to the doctors because after a blood sugar test (as part of a routine check up) came back high, she had to have it tested again and that came back high. Of course, they won't give her the exact numbers over the phone but, apparently the number was high enough to be of concern. She also has high cholesterol and high blood pressure (I think). She has spent time in the hospital for diverticulitis back when I was pregnant with Emily and has had two back surgeries.

She exercises very regularly and is very conscious about what she eats. While she has occasional slip ups like we all do, overall, she has been very aware and in control of her health.

Enter my father. He smokes, could generally care less about what he eats and doesn't exercise at all. He is the picture of health.

So not that I am wishing any of this on my father but, how fair is it that my mother, who works her but off to stay healthy, has a whole host of medical concerns and my father, who basically does nothing to take care of himself (aside from what my mother might do for him (cooking lightly or whatever) has none?

It sort of lends credence to the fact that sometimes, no matter what you do, your body is just built and wired a certain way.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

If you heard any screaming...

...late yesterday afternoon at about 4pm,that was just me and the kids, screaming joyfully about the end of the school year. It was kind of fun actually.

I can't even tell you the huge sense of relief that has washed over knowing that summer, in all it's glory, has finally arrived. While I still have some minor responsibility in regard to SHARP and classroom assignments, the rest of the school year "stuff" is done.

The girls got their report cards and they both did well. Without getting in to too much detail, both Emily and Katherine either went up or stayed the same in every area. They both seem pleased with their classroom assignments for next year. I don't really have any information about Emily's teacher but I know Katherine's is a fairly new teacher (new to the school and a new, as in "fresh out of college"). That always strikes me as being a good thing.

Anyway, we have begun the summer vacation in a not so fun, but much needed way. Cleaning their bedrooms!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

A Blood Pressure Question...

...for those who may have the answer.

Ryun tested his on one of those "machines" that you find in the pharmacy. He did this about a month ago at it was borderline high (I forget the exact numbers but the reading said, "Borderline High." So anyway, he just did it again at the machine located at the Walmart Pharmacy and it was 149/95.

My questions:

This is obviously high, but is this considered "Oh my God, go to the doctor right now and get drugs high" or just "be careful" high?

How reliable are those blood pressure things found in pharmacies?

I forgot to say...

...I am pretty much in love with this new layout/color scheme I have going on here. The blue was getting old. The green just gives the page a whole new life.

Summer Plans

June 22...Emily heads North to spend the weekend with Suzanne, who will be taking her to 6 Flags (a belated birthday gift to Emily).

June 23rd: Birthday party at the Mallon Homestead.

June 25th: register the kids for the Parks Department Camp, head over to the Library for the Summer Reading Kick-Off Event

June 27th: Brown Bag Books (we will be packing a picnic lunch and heading down to the Library's Centennial Garden to listen to the children's librarian read a story, and do some crafts), 12:30pm

June 29th : The Museum of Science will be at the Carver High School Auditorium with their traveling show, entitled, "Reptiles!" Ryun and I are going to see Ron White that night (Ron White of Blue Collar Comedy).

June 3oth: Build A Playground, Save The World (that was for you Suz)! We are heading down to the HBB School to help build the playground! YAY! Simmons Annual 4th party for the afternoon, Middleboro Carnival and Fireworks that night.

July 4th: Happy Independence Day. We will be doing "something", just not sure what yet. I am thinking of having a cookout or something and inviting a few friends over. I might try and convince Ryun that we should head down to Plymouth for the fireworks that night, even though we will have seen them in Middleboro already.

July 5th: Emily and Katherine head down to the YMCA for a "Summer Fun Club" Day at the Y.

July 6th: Emily and Katherine head to Onset Beach as part of the YMCA Summer Fun Club.

July 7th: Birthday Party for a friend.

July 8th: Nephew's 2nd Birthday party

July 9th-12th: Emily and Katherine head to SHARP for the week (A daily summer enrichment program sponsored by the PTA)

July 11th: Free Family Show On The Hill: Magician, 7 pm

July 14th: Katherine goes to her friend Dan's birthday party.

July 16th-19th: SHARP week 2.

July 18th: Free Family Show On The Hill: Reptiles! 7 pm

July 22nd: Happy 3rd Birthday Julia!

July 23rd: Emily's 10 year and Julia's 3 year checkup.

July 25th: Brown Bag books at the Library, 12:30pm

July 3oth- 3rd: Emily and Katherine will be attending the full day Parks Department camp...swimming, arts and crafts, sports, etc.

July 31st: Happy 30th Suzanne!

August 2nd: the end of the Summer Reading Program at the Library: party at the library at 6:30.

August 4th: party at Marie and Pete's celebrating...Suzanne's 30th, Dad's retirement, and Aunt Susan and Sean's arrival in from California.

August 6th-10th: Week 2 of the Parks Department Camp for Emily and Katherine.

August 11th-18th: White Mountains, NH...HERE WE COME! YAY!

August 21st: Julia's 6 month checkup with her developmental Pediatrician at 10:30.

August 22nd: Emily's 6 month checkup with her neurologist at 3.

August 29th: The MKG and HBB school walkthroughs. 9-11

So, as you can see we are busy, which at first glance may seem a bit contrary to my recent complaints of being too busy, and too tired , and too whatever lately. Aside from this busy schedule still not even touching the usual pace of the school year, it is also my schedule. I don't really have a choice during the school year as to when the kids will have a Girl Scout meeting, or when the Town Meeting will take place. The higher-ups do that. So, at least during the summer, the busy schedule is of my own doing!

School's Out...

...and I couldn't be happier!

YAY for summer!

YAY for time with the kids that doesn't involve homework, strict bedtimes and running around like a chicken with its head cut off!

YAY for a drastic reduction in the amount of time that I need to leave the house at night (for PTA or Yes 4 Middleboro Schools or any number of other committee type meetings)!

YAY for our summer camping trip!

YAY for Mimi and Papa's pool (and in my case YAY for their NEW hot tub)!



Never underestimate the power of a 15 minute nap. Seriously, it can be rejuvenating. I never used to think so but, that was before I tried it.

Over the past couple of days, I have taken about 15 minutes of my day and reserved it for a quick nap. It hasn't neccesarily involved sleeping, but at the very least, just sitting on the couch with my eyes closed. I get up feeling refreshed (or at least more refreshed than I did previous to the quick nap) and ready to take on whatever comes next. It may be hard to continue this when the kids are here, but I think I might try.

Monday, June 18, 2007

A picture of all three kids...

...smiling at the same time!

A Father's Day Miracle, no doubt!

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Oh the joy...

...of having a loser for a neighbor.

Before I tell you about what he was doing last night, or technically, really early this morning, let me take you back to a few months ago, when the county sheriff showed up at my door, asking all kinds of questions about the guy (Do you know where he works? What kind of car does he drive? How long have you known him? What does he look like? etc.). After asking them for some official ID (they appeared to be in uniform but before I said anything, I thought I should confirm) I told him that while Ryun had spoken with the guy on a few random occasions, I only knew him in passing and may have said "hi" once or twice if I saw him in the yard. I called Ryun for them who (no surprise to those who know him) had a lot more information to share including the make and approximate year of the car he drove (which was actually his mother's car). He knew more than I did, but still, his knowledge was limited. Anyway, after all was said and done, and with an obvious intensity that the Sheriff was displaying in trying to find the guy, I wanted to confirm that he wasn't some sort of hardened criminal or something. I told the officers I had young children and of course, was concerned. They probably broke some privacy law when they told me that he hadn't been paying his child support but, it as good to know that he wasn't a Level 3 Sex Offender or something. So, they left and parked the big black SUV down the street a ways, waiting for him to come home. When he did, they actually arrested him, taking him out in cuffs. I know from his children that visit on occasion that he spent about a month in the slammer (he lives with his mother so I guess they still spent time with her while he was gone). I don't know exactly how long you would have to stop paying your support for in order to actually get arrested and jailed, but my guess is that it would have to be a pretty freaking long time. That is why he is a loser. Not paying your child support has to be one of the lowest things one could do but, that's just my humble opinion.

Fast forward to last night. I had spent the night out with my sister Suzanne (who was down for the weekend without Jack, he was with John for the weekend) and then later, with my parents. I didn't get home until after midnight, and came home to find Julia sleeping in my spot on the bed, next to Ryun. I tried to bring her up to her crib, but the minutes I got her up, she started to cry. I was too darn tired to care, so I just slid her over to the middle and went to bed. Julia doesn't spend a lot of time in our bed, but when she does, my sleep goes right out the window. I can't comfortabley let her sleep in the middle of the bed without my protective arm around her (preventing in effect, Ryun the bed hog from rolling right on top of her). So, this means that I stay in one position for the night, and it just doesn't work. Last night was no different. I started to finally nod off at about 1:30 or so, only to be woken by this incessant banging, which appeared to be coming from outside. I couldn't tell what it was at first, but when it continued to bring me out of my sleep-induced haze, I realized that my neighbor was playing is freaking drum set at goddamn 1:30 in the morning. When it became apparent at about 2 or so that he wasn't going to stop, I briefly considered two things; walking over and knocking on his door asking him kindly to stop or, of course calling the police. Eventually, he either stopped or I just tuned it out, because I did end up falling asleep. He woke Katherine, Emily and Ryun up as well, and even Julia was tossing and turning with an obvious frustration.

I am still at a loss as to what the hell he may have been thinking. Who plays their drum set at 1:30 in the morning, with the windows open, with houses but a stone's throw from each other? I am thinking he must have been drinking. Either that or he is about as dumb as a door nail. My guess is the latter.

*Yes, Julia slept in our bed. For those of you who may think co-sleeping is some sort of a crime, let me say, I don't tell you how to live your life, don't tell me how to live mine. Thankyouverymuch.*

Happy Father's Day ...

... to all of the father's out there, but, especially to my own father, and of course Ryun.

We are heading to the pool for the day. It seems like, except for a chance of late afternoon thunderstorms, that it will be a nice day!

Saturday, June 16, 2007


Today was Emily's end of the year recitcal for the Burtwood School. She sang a song my the Cheetah Girls called, "Cinderella" and did a great job.

Emily's short bio, written by her teacher started like this, "Emily is a beautiful 10 year old girl with a heart of gold." When the director read the bio, and got to the part that said that Emily was beautiful, Katherine whispered to me, "Oh yes she is."

For some reason, that little comment brought tears to my eyes.

Friday, June 15, 2007


...Julia's taking a nap, the office looks like a tornado blew through, and the laundty needs to be done. I had intended on doing this while she napped but then...

I went outside to get the mail and discovered that is was a beautiful afternoon. The kind of afternoon that begs of me to go outside with a cold glass of ice tea, and spend the afternoon reading in the sunlight.

Who am I to say no?


I have been doing a lot of that lately. The age old question, "What do I want to do with the rest of my life?" keeps coming up, regrettably with no definite answer.

I have a few ideas (working with children in some way, some sort of public relations type of thing, professional photography even) but when it comes down to the actual "making a decision and pursuing it", the true Libra in me shines right through. I have never been able to make decisions easily. Whatever I decide, it has to be something I really, really like. This makes sense obviously, but what I mean by that is if I am not in love with it, I won't stick to it. It's just the way I am.

It's not like I have to decide right this very minute or anything, but logically speaking, if I was to go back to school and finish my degree, now would be the time to do it. That way, by the time Julia is in school full-time, I could potentially be done (or close to it anyway) and then fined a job in my chosen field.

I am leaning towards pursuing the public relations thing. Some of the classes at Bridgewater State look interesting. The major would actually be in Communication Studies, with the minor in Public Relations. It's funny to even think of me doing such a thing, because seriously, as well as I do with the whole public relations thing already, I still get nervous about it. I think though, that with all of my volunteer work coming in to play over the past couple of years, my confidence level has really gone up and probably will continue to do so.

Speaking of all of the volunteer stuff, going back to school would definitely mean cutting back a little. There is just no way I can...

...lead Girl Scouts. an active member of the PTA.

...chair the PTA Fundraising Committee. the Yes 4 Middleboro Schools Website and Committee (which, although on hiatus for now will be back full-force come the fall, as the $ for FY09 doesn't sound any more promising).

...start the local chapter of STAND that I really want to start.

...assign all the classes for the SHARP Summer Enrichment Program. a Mom of three active children (not that it is a volunteer job, but, obviously, it takes some time) the lia sophia business.

...and go to school.

Contrary to what you may have heard, I am not superwoman!

So, I really need to think about this. A lot. I have a little time I suppose (I would only register for a class at a time so I think I could do that over the summer and be fine for the fall, but I need to check all of that out and see).

Wednesday, June 13, 2007


Somewhere between Julia's birth and now, I have become a 2-3 cups of coffee a day kind of girl. This might not seem like much but, when you suddenly go from none to potentially three, well, it's a big deal.

So, I decided to figure out exactly how much money I spend at Dunky's each week. It's scary people, really scary.

Using the average of 2 coffees per day, it came out to just under $30. Add the 3rd cup to the daily intake and it jumps to just under $45.

Forty five dollars a week on coffee? That's $180 per month, over $2000 per year!

Holy crap!

I have drawn the following conclusions from this:

1. I need to get off my high horse and actually use the coffee maker at home. Even buying the Dunkin Donuts coffee to make at home would still be cheaper.

2. I admit, when it comes to actually buying the cup, already made for me by the kind employees of Dunkin Donut's, I am a little spoiled. So, I could just cut back to 1 per day which would bring the weekly total down to about $15 per week. That seems a little more reasonable anyway.

3. The third option is of course to suck it up and deal. I could potentially die without the coffee (well, maybe not die but you know, be really, really sad...not to mention grumpy and tired) so when looking at it that way, $45 isn't too bad, is it?

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Recipe: Sharon's Famous Chili

Ok, so maybe it's not famous yet, but it might be someday.


1 lb ground beef
1 jar tomato sauce
diced tomatoes (I used about 1 1/2 tomatoes)
light red kidney beans (I bought the canned version that actually came in a mild chili sauce)
1 teaspoon paprika
2 teaspoons ground cumin
1 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1 teaspoon oregano
2 teaspoons garlic powder
shredded cheddar cheese to sprinkle on top of chili

(The amount of spices you use can of course be altered for a milder and/or spicier version).

Brown the beef in an electric frying pan. On Sunday, I actually threw a small amount of the above spices in with the meat (maybe just a pinch of each).

Combine all ingredients in the crock pot and cook on high for 2 hours. After 2 hours, turn the crock down to low, and cook for an additional 2 hours. Top with cheddar. I also made cornbread to go with this.

It came out quite well if I do say so myself. Ryun and the girls loved it too. The leftovers will be used tonight to make "chili dogs." Yummy.

Adventures In Education...

...has been updated twice.

And on a somewhat lighter note...

...the following is what I put in for Julia's IEP.

Parent Concerns:

Our immediate concerns for Julia lie in her gross motor, speech and language, and sensory processes. Specifically, our concerns relate to Julia's overall muscle tone and balance, intelligibility and comprehension when speaking and in a conversation, her social skills and with her sensory motor and planning skills.


Our immediate vision is for Julia to improve her overall tone and balance, intelligibility and comprehension, social interactions with her peers, and her sensory motor and planning. We would like to see Julia in a classroom setting so that she may interact with other children and receive the recommended services put forth at her team meeting. Looking to the future, it is our hope that with continued therapies Julia will eventually be at the expected level in all areas of concern as that of her peers.

Thrown Under The Proverbial Bus

Not that this is in any way shocking, but the school budget was voted in last night at $23,299,685 rather than the $24,392,387 that the school committee was recommending. Not only is the voted in amount less than last year, it is less than the previous year and $2,000,000 less than what would be needed to carry over level services from the current year to next. What does that mean? It means that many of the currently in place programs will NOT BE CARRIED OVER in to the coming year. It also means that the additional programs will be cut.

To really sum it up for you?

It means, that once again, the kids are getting screwed.

The $24,392,387 number was the number in place for the current fiscal year. Even if that number had been voted in, cuts would still have been made (just like everything else in the world the cost of doing things at a school increases from year to year).

As someone at last night's meeting said, in this time of cutting back and what is being referred to as "fiscal responsibility" the kids are being the ones asked to "bite the bullet."

Someone else put in to words, quite nicely, exactly how I feel about those who voted this $24,392,387 budget down:

"I don't know how you can look at yourselves in the mirror."

I left the meeting so aggravated that when I got home at midnight and tried to sleep I was tossing and turning to the point that I didn't fall asleep until almost 2am.

I think it is pathetic that the children of this town have to suffer because of the f'ing people in charge just don't give a damn.
You Are Strawberry Ice Cream

A bit shy and sensitive, you are sweet to the core.
You often find yourself on the outside looking in.
Insightful and pensive, you really understand how the world works.

You are most compatible with chocolate chip ice cream.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Conversations With A 10 Year Old...

...who happens to also be Ryun's daughter tend to go a little something like this.

ME: "Emily, why are you being a pain in my butt?"
EMILY: "I don't know, because it's fun?"

The apple of her father's eye, no doubt.


I just taught my 10 year old daughter how to shave. For some reason, while I always imagined I would one day have a family, I never imagined I would ever teach my child how to do something like shave.

I have known this time was coming with her since early spring, when she wore her first tank top. It was apparent then that come summer time and bathing suits, shaving would become inevitable. She has a birthday pool party to attend today and while we were out side spraying the sunscreen (Coppertone Continuous's rocks, just so you know), she raised her arms to get the underside, and it was apparent that not only was shaving inevitable, but, it must happen right now.

TMI? Yes, probably but, where else can I lament about the fact that by way of her getting older, I am getting old.

Civic Education

With the failure of last weeks override ballot, and the comparatively pathetic turn out of voters, I began wondering, how much time, if any is spent in school teaching civics any more? I remember having mock elections in high school that would mirror whatever was going on in "real life." If it was a presidential election, we would do a unit on the candidates, as well as a general civics lesson in which we would talk about policy making, voting, and everything else that goes along with civics.

I found a couple of interesting websites, detailing what children should know in this regard at various grade levels. I think I may test my kids and see if they pass...ha ha ha.

Friday, June 8, 2007

Conversations with an almost three year old...

...tend to go a little something like this:

"Julia, what's wrong( as I am ascending the stars to get her from her crib after much screaming and yelling on her part)."

Julia: "I was yelling at you."


Julia: "Because I said so, that's why."

Seriously, she really said that. Don't you just loves those parental moments thatyou end up laughing when really, you should be scolding?

I do.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007


Every time Emily's class goes on a field trip (even if it is just to the Town Hall which is practically across the street from the school) the nurse has to call me to make sure it is ok if Emily goes without a nurse. Emily has an "emergency medicine" called Diastat that would only be able to be administered by a nurse should she have a seizure lasting for longer than 5 minutes or seizures right on top of each other. It is similar to an Epipen used for allergies. Anyway, unless I am going on the trip myself (in which case I would be there to administer), they have to confirm with me that I am ok with Emily going, without her medicine. Obviously, Emily's teacher is well aware of Emily's diagnosis, and although she can't legally administer the shot, she would at least have the knowledge of what would be needed, should Emily have a seizure.

Anyway, tomorrow Emily's class is going on a field trip to Barney's Joy, a remote conservation wetland type area in a very remote part of Dartmouth. Emily's teacher is out for the week, recovering from some sort of minor surgery and will not be attending the trip. They have had a substitute all week who will be attending and is aware of the situation with Emily, but again, can not administer the shot if needed. So, I got the expected call from the nurse who also shared the information regarding the sub going on the trip and, that the sub would have her cell phone with her if needed. For the first time ever, I was a little hesitant about this, but ended up saying that it was fine. I was not going to have Emily not go because that would be just plain awful. It's just a little unsettling that they will be in the middle of nowhere and that Emily will be with someone who doesn't really, really know her.

The thing of it is, Emily hasn't had a seizure in more than 2 years and we have never, ever had to administer the Diastat. So the chances seem pretty slim that she will but the fact of the matter is, and always will be with seizures, that she could have a seizure at any time, despite a seizure free streak that has lasted this long.

The whole point of this was to basically say, I am a little nervous about this.


I am looking for your best ideas for end of the year teacher gifts. I was thinking it could be kind of fun to make them something. One idea I came up with (literally as I was typing) was to use these mini photo albums I have (wallets size photos are the only size that would fit) to make a "What I Learned In Mrs_______'s Class This Year." It could be anything from, "I learned how to be polite and respect myself and others" to I learned that 2+7=9." I would obviously have the kids come up with their own thoughts regarding what they learned and then print them out (or even better have them write the ideas themselves), cut them down to size, and put them in the book. I am not sure if the idea is a little "too young" for Emily, but it definitely seems like a good one for Katherine.

What do you think?

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

IEP Concerns and Vision Statement

Because Julia will officially be on an IEP come September, I was sent home from the meeting today charged with the task of detailing the parent concerns and developing a vision statement for Julia. For someone who is good with this type of thing, I sure am having a tough time with it. I guess I just want to make sure I am fully explain what I feel are my concerns, as well as incorporate a vision statement that clearly and concisely defines the goals I would like set forth and my hopes for Julia's future.

In the meantime, I have been looking online at sample IEP'S. It has been very helpful;looking at how different people have worded their statements. I have also found it useful in helping me determine my own ideas and thoughts as to what I want for Julia.


So, one of the recommendations for Julia via the Physical Therapist that did her school evaluation, as well as her physical therapist from EI was that Julia would benefit greatly from arch and ankle supports to help stabilize her ankle and develop an arch. They recommended I visit Stride Rite and have her fitted for a high top style sneaker, with built in arch supports. The other option would be going through insurance and having specially made arch and ankle supports specifically for Julia. Both PT's thought that we should go the less expensive route first, because while insurance covers a portion of these types of things, in the long run, as she is still growing of course, I would end up spending more money.

So the other day, I was at the mall anyway and decided to take a stroll through Stride Rite and see what they had. I found a few pairs that looked liked they would work. I will probably bring Julia in next week to get fitted. The thing of it is? The sneakers were in the range of $40-50! You know whatever I need to do for her is of course what I am going to do but, $40-50 on a pair of sneakers that she will probably outgrow in a relatively short period of time? That hurts, people, that hurts. I don't even spend that much on my own sneakers (hello Walmart).

Now that it's all said and done...

...I may as well show you the website I designed for the Yes 4 Middleboro Schools Committee. I use the word "designed" extremely loosely, since it was basically a "plug and play" type set up. The wording and "what goes where" is all mine though.

Oh, and do you like the "lifeline" that runs faintly behind the page header? I thought that was cool.

Adventures in Education...

...has been updated...twice.

The Sullivan/Simmons Grandkids

On Sunday afternoon, we had a party at my parents house, celebrating Emily and my mother's birthdays. We invited a few family friends, and all of the kids. We decided to try and get all of the grandkids in for a picture...and it actually worked!

From the left we have Olivia, Emily, Jack, Julia, Katherine with Connor on her lap, and Matthew. Jack and Connor look like they could be twins, and Matthew and Olivia really are!

Emily's Birthday Cake

For Emily's birthday on Friday I decided to try and make this cake. It came out very well, if I do say so myself. I always forget how much I like strawberries, until I eat them again.


...I forgot to say, Adam is still my favorite selectmen. As much as I think he likes to hear himself talk, he just asks the right questions. I like him.

Julia's Meeting

This morning was Julia's meeting to decide whether or not she would be eligible for services through the public school next year.

Here are the summaries from each evaluator, detailing their concerns and recommendations.

Physical Therapy
"Julia is an adorable 2.10 year old girl who presents with low muscle tone, decreased proximal stability, generalized muscle weakness, gravitational/posture insecurity and joint laxity which impact her ability to acquire gross motor, loco motor and balance skills. Julia presents with delayed gross motor and balance skills. Julia also presents with delayed reflexes.

Julia will benefit from physical therapy services in a small sensory-motor group 2 times a week for 45 minutes. Therapy will focus on improving joint stability, proximal stability, overall strength and endurance, improving balance skills, improving sitting balance, improving postural stability,improving gross motor development, stair climbing ans gait pattern."

Occupational Therapy
"Occupational Therapy testing reveals slightly low postural/proximal tone and stability and weak body awareness is space. Sensory motor skills are developing. Information compiled from the sensory profile indicates weaknesses in modulation related to movement and visual input, sensory processing related to tone and endurance, registration, and oral sensory processing.

Julia is a sweet little girl who presents with a delay in the areas of sensory motor and fine motor development. It is recommended that Julia participates in a sensory motor group for 45 minutes per week. Consultation should be available to parent/teacher on an as needed basis in order to address sensory concerns."

Speech and Language
"Julia is a 2.1o year old child referred for this evaluation by her parents and EI. According to an interview with Julia's mother, she spoke her first words at 18 months and began combining words after 2 years of age. She has reportedly made progress in her speech skills recently, but continues to have difficulty with language and understanding. Based on this assessment, it is recommended that Julia receive direct speech and language therapy targeting speech sound development, improving intelligibility in conversation and listening skill development. Ongoing evaluation is warranted in the area of articulation development. I look forward to working with Julia."

All three mentioned in the meeting that it was apparent that Julia had difficulty, "separating from Mom," and noted that she seems intensely shy. There was also question as to whether or not Julia understood all that was being asked of her or if she just "wasn't paying attention."

So, what does this mean? Basically it means that whether or not it is in a classroom setting, Julia will be receiving speech, PT and OT two time per week starting in September, through the public school. The way we have it set up for now is that she will be in the classroom for an 8 week trial period, after which we will meet again, to see if she will benefit from the social interaction that is part of the classroom, or if she only needs the outside services in the sense of a small speech group and a combined OT/PT group.


It's hard to tell, with Julia being so young, who she "takes after." Her personality is definitely starting to shine through, and, I think, as she gains confidence in herself, we will see it more and more.

With Emily, almost from the time I first felt her move, we knew she was going to be more like Ryun. She has always been self confident, extremely smart in all ways but particularly in a "common sense" type of way, stubborn, creative and a "go-getter." Similar to Ryun, she does not let anything stop her and is an inspiration to someone like me, who does not always have the confidence I should or the motivation to succeed. The only side of Emily that I take credit for is the compassionate, sensitive side of her (sorry Ry).

Katherine is much more like me. The peacekeeper, the one that makes decisions after a great deal of thought, the shyer, more self conscious one. The one who would rather not do something she hasn't done before. Her temperament is most of the time, easy going. She can go with the flow and is pretty adaptable to any situation. She aims to please, and will sometimes go to great lengths to ensure that everyone is "ok."

But, I digress.

The point of this whole entry was to say that this morning, Julia did something that proves, undoubtedly that at least some of her personality, likes and dislikes, and general nature, are heavily influenced by me.

This was one of those moments in which I was watching her play, unbeknownst to her. I watched her drag her rocking chair across the livingroom, grab her doll and place her gently on the chair, and proceed to very definitely look for a specific toy in her toy chest. She came up with her pretend microphone which she placed in the chair, aimed at the doll's mouth. She picked up her Shrek figurine and placed that in the dolls' lap and walked over to me and said, "Mom, I need my camera."

She set up a pose and asked to take a picture.

COuld she be any cuter?

Town Meeting: Take 2

When you get right down to it, Middleboro, at it's core, is just about as backwoods, hicktown, country-like as you can get. Nowhere is this more evident than at Town Meeting. Last night was no different(although, with the student council going up and down the aisles selling water and candy similar to what you would see at Fenway, combined with the traffic leaving the parking lot, there was a touch of city-like atmosphere present).

I don't know if there is some sort of a record, but last night's meeting was part 2 of what, if we keep up at the rate we are at, could be meetings every Monday until September. We are only half way through Article 2 of a 27 article warrant. Yikes.

Anyway, it was interesting to say the least.

Sunday, June 3, 2007


Not that this is a surprise, but the override didn't pass (not just the school portion but all five of the menu options). I think I remember hearing somewhere that Middleboro has something like 13,000 registered voters. If I am right about that, we had a 25 % turn out (or so) which is probably considered to be high. If you ask me though, it's still pathetic. I was saying to one of my fellow sign holders this type of election isn't one that generally people would have no feeling on. It's not like it was a town election in which you could say, "Oh I don't like anyone that is running so I am not going to vote." This election has a direct effect on your finances. Every registered voter should have taken part. That's just my humble opinion.

Anyway, it's depressing. It's also scary to imagine how different things are going to be at the school next year. There is one thing that I know for sure though. No matter what happens at tomorrow night's continuation of the town meeting regarding the budget, Middleboro kids shouldn't suffer as a result of the mistakes of the adults that are supposed to be protecting and making positive decisions for them. It's just not right.

I was talking to another mom who was working on the override at the PTA meeting last month, as well as the principal at the kindergarten. We were all horrified by what could happen next year. The principal pointed out something though that again, and despite all that seems to be going on in town right now, made me realize how much I love Middleboro. This is what she said.

"We are lucky to have such a core group of parents who will step up and do the best they can to fill in the gaps."

She's right. Maybe we can't replace that math teacher who is now out of a job but we can set up a rotating schedule of parent volunteers to go in to staff the library. We can donate supplies to the classroom and the school. There's a lot we can do. It won't be enough, but, it will be something.

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Things That Are Making Me Feel Old

1. Emily turning 10.

2. Getting a sunburn on my head. I think this one might need a little explanation. I used to be able to go out in the sun for hours on end and not get a sunburn on my head at all, ever. My hair was always thick enough, apparently, even with a part in it, to cover my head. When I go out now, well, let's just say my hair isn't the only red part of my head anymore. Apparently, my hair's thinning out.

3. Also regarding my hair...I have a sneaking suspicion it might be slowly turning white. Yeah, yeah, yeah, you can say it's blond all you want but let's be realistic here. I'm old. It's turning white.

3. I don't get carded anymore. Yes, I realize that I am 31 years old but I used to get carded for rated R movies for goodness sake, not too long ago either.

4. Yesterday, Katherine decided that on your birthday, you should get as many presents as the age you are turning. Then she looked at me and said, "Well, except you, because your too old. You can't get 32 presents on your next birthday."

5. Shopping at Claire's for my daughter. I am pretty sure that was me (although Claire's wasn't some place I frequented as a teen, it still seems impossible that I could be shopping there for Emily), like last week or something.

Friday, June 1, 2007

Happy Birthday Emily!

Today is Emily's 10th birthday. Double digits, people, double digits. In honor of this occasion, I have decided to share with you, "The Best Of The Best" of Emily, at least since I started blogging almost 6 years ago. Enjoy!

Just a quick little thing that I found hilarious. For all of you male readers who generally get "grossed out" by this topic, I apologize...this was just too good to not put here.
I casually mentioned to Ryun that I could tell I was getting my period because I was cranky and feeling "fat". Emily was in the room but paying attention to whatever she was doing, or so I thought. She said to me, "I know what period means Mama." I said, "Oh yeah, what?" She said, "Period means (voice escalating) BECAUSE I SAID SO!" I almost fell of off of my chair.

Grumpy and his friends
The other day, Emily said to me, "Mama, how come when I am cranky or naughty no one wants to play with me?" I explained to her that it wasn't just her, it was a general rule that people don't like to be in the company of cranky people because it was no fun. She said, "Ok Mama." Then, she looked up at me thoughtfully and said, "But Mama, Grumpy on Snow White is always cranky and his friends like to be with him. He gets to play with her friends all of the time." She is so smart...and I have to say I love the logic.

When asking Emily recently if she was happy or sad about school ending, she said, "both." "Mrs. Medeiros," she said, "is probably very happy because now she won't have to speak to Robert anymore.

Dad, what is the kid's name that plays David on Flight of the Navigator?"
"I don't know Emily."
"Well, Dad why don't you just look it up on the internet?"
A conversation with the modern day five year old.

Emily (in her own words) has "finally discovered he talent." Finally, after five long years.
She has decided that her talent lies in the area of writing...and I must say I agree. The girl has an incredible imagination. She is very observant, descriptive, and enthusiastic about everything she does and telling a story is no exception.
She wrote a "book" this morning about a fish and a turtle and called it (how cute is this),"Fish and Turtle's Big Underwater Adventure."The story was about a fish and turtle who are on their way home. They meet a shark on the way who eats them but spits them out before he chews them because he doesn't like how they taste. The ending is happy as the fish and turtle make it home safely.
She is so cute. A shark that spits them out. How funny is that?

Emily: "What do you think Bridget will name her knew baby?"
Me: "I don't know, maybe they will wait and decide when the baby is born."
Emily: "Well, if she wants the baby to be born, why doesn't she just eat some pepperoni pizza?"
ast night I made spaghetti for dinner. I bought a new type of sauce made by Emeril...called roasted garlic and tomato I think. Anyway, it was rather spicy. Emily decided that she wanted more which surprised me because she usually tends to stay away for the spicier foods, but, I gave her some anyway. As I was putting it on her plate, she said, "Ok, Mom thanks, now I am going to try and breathe fire."

Mimi: "So, how does it feel to be 7?"
Emily: "I don't know yet, ask me at the end of the day."

When Emily woke up complaining about her ear, I was looking at the packaging on the Motrin for the appropriate dosage to give to her.
I said out loud, "Six to eight years..."

She said, It's going to take six to eight years for this to kick in?"

Emily: "Mama, I haven't made a definite decision yet, but I think I might want to be an artist when I grow up because, look how good I drew this picture."

I was in the kitchen with various ingredients spread out across the counter, making dinner. Ryun was standing on a chair behind me, replacing a light bulb in one of the kitchen lights.

Emily, who was sitting at the kitchen table behind both of us said, "This looks like the average American family, with the Mom cooking dinner and the Dad fixing something."

Emily:" Mom just so you know, when I go take my driving test, you are dropping me off and leaving me the car. You can take a bus home or something."

Katherine (being the logical one that she is):"But Emily, what if you don't get your license?'

Emily: "Well then, I will just call her on the cell phone that she is going to get me when I turn 16."

On the way to voice today I casually said to Emily, "Can you believe school is almost out?"

She responded with, "Yup, your vacation is almost over Mom, while ours will just begin."