Monday, September 18, 2006


Next week, or at least I am hoping next week, Julia is going to have her ambulatory EEG scheduled. It was supposed to be a couple of weeks ago but it was cancelled.

Obviously, she can't take part in her class at Jungle Gym that week so instead, I am going to take her to Peter's Cider Mill in Acushnet with the MOMS Club.

Basically, she is going to look something like this:

Adorable yes, but different..for sure.

So, obviously, some of the little ones might have some questions. I am thinking I will just tell them she is having a little test. Sound good?

Situations like this are always so hard for me. I don't know why. I remember when we were at Children's and got to leave 9 North for a while and head down to the cafe, I could literally feel people staring and even heard one person say, "Oh, the poor thing."

I remember thinking, "She's not a "poor thing." She's my daughter. She's beautiful and she's fine, so please just stop staring."

People are just people I guess, and I am probably just as guilty of doing the same thing. It's just different when it's your own kid they are staring at.

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