Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Julia... 20 months old today!

There's quite a bit going on with her lately!

As you all already know, she is walking. She's getting quite good at it too. She's probably still at about 50-50 as far as walking and crawling go, but as soon as I tell her to stand up and walk, she does. She has even tried to go down over the little ledge between the kitchen and the hallway, which she hasn't quite gotten the hang of yet, but she's almost there!

Her new thing which puts her right in the category of drama queen if you ask me: Dropping to the floor in lifeless type manner upon hearing the dreaded word "no". Yeah it's fun.

She is (finally) getting back to enjoying food again, although she still prefers eating the softer type foods to anything with texture of anything that requires chewing. All in all, I am not too worried about this least she's eating again!

She will imitate (or at least make an effort) to repeat anything I say. It doesn't always come out sounding like it should, but she's only 20 months so that's to be expected.

Jen came from EI today and saw Julia walk for the first time! She was very excited and Julia was quite the little showoff.

Anyway, YAY for progress...and for a happy, healthy, walking toddler!

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