Wednesday, March 1, 2006

Answer and New ?

The strongest opinion I hold? Boy, that's a toughie...I have a lot of opinions!

Probably the strongest opinion I hold is that I think cutting educational funding should be considered a criminal act. No, I am not exxagerating. I really do.

New Question: If you had to name the craziest thing you ever did in your youth, what would it be?


  1. Thats a toughie.
    Could be the infamous UFO hoax my friend and I pulled on his mom. Thats not really crasy though.
    I had one of my cars completly airborn
    twice. Ya that was pretty crazy..
    I did some pretty silly jumps on my bike.. Lit a field on fire with a pipe bomb. "I was pretty much just a bystander for that though". I wasn't part of the group that got arrested after a crazy weekend of a party in the woods behind L Knife in kingston when some people I know found this burried stash of beer that one of the employes was stealing. I never thought drinking in the woods was cool.. So I wasn't there.
    I think the what I would say fits this answer best was my climbing to the top of the High Tension line tower in plympton near where pogo's was. I climbed up one side went across the bar at the top and then climbed down the other side. LOL I shiver thinking about it now. ya that takes the cake..

  2. Good God Wayne, I could never picture you doing something like that as a kid...of course I didn't know you then! me shivers just reading about it! : )

  3. See, to me education isn't the responsibility of government, for starters. Given that it has generally been handled as such, whether funding should be cut or not depends on how much funding there is and how it is being spent. If each household in town pays $20,000 a year in property taxes toward education, teachers make $200,000 a year, and kids turn out not proportionately well educated, then lock me up because I'll be a budgetary criminal.

  4. Ooooh, I don't think I should answer this one. ROFL!

  5. do you REALLY want to know the stupidist oops craziest thing i did HE HE HE

    i coulnf'nt publish this the way i normally do for some reason kept asking for my pw and blogg, unless you changed the way we sign this i havent a clue why LOL

    IT's Dew by the way.

  6. Is it Just me or was Jay like having his own conversation here?
